This Privacy Policy is valid from November 28 2013


This blog is a blog designed for information mainly tutorials that has to do with mobile and general internet tutorials including but not excluding make money lessons, outside the box approach when it comes to tutorials on mobile, social media, computers or generally tech & internet. (clearly marked with labels such as Mobile Resources, Computer Resources, Internet Resources. or other minor categories and labels.)

This blog accepts all forms of cash advertisment, sponsored post, paid incentive and other forms of compensation. This is to enable it run smoothly and be better. For any other thing or question and enquiry please contact

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Articles contained on this blog are always the product of the Author, and protected by copyscape, however if any quotation or some parts of any other write up are used here appropriate credit will be given to the owner (with the owner’s approval).


Comments made on this blog are subject to this blogs privacy policy terms, as comments that infringes on privacy of another user will be removed, such comments may include but not limited to
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  1. Help: Before doing anything ask youself will I be comfortable explaining what I want to do to the Author or even a Judge?

General Information

This blog is for everyone as such its content does not contain anything which might present any conflict of interest, as views expressed by the Author are always balanced. Content written here are good for all age categories.

The Author takes full responsibility for earnings this blogs makes, and contents of this blog. However as it’s mainly a tutorial blog articles may be written by any other Author other than me (Chimatim) if so it will be be indicated.

Each user or visitors of this site takes full responsibility of any results and earnings they make from the information gained from this blog site and the site owners. Your results can and will differ from those of the site owner and other site users ( as no two fingers are equal). Your results are dependant fully on your own individual action taken, all information on this site are for educational purposes only.


Important Details (summary)

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2)We use Cookies to know about your personal preferences while visiting this blog to provide a better user experience when you visit again.

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