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If you’re heavily in the cryptocurrency space, you’ll notice the new trends. I call it the crypto investment platform, it simply means you stake your BNB to receive interest, unlink the traditional staking, like the POSI staking you know, this type of staking is structured like a Ponzi, but unlike the traditional Ponzi scheme, this platform doesn’t depend solely on referrals. Once you stake your BNB, it is locked forever never to be taken out. Now those BNB staked will be giving you a certain percentage of your locked or staked BNB depending on the platform.
Today we will take a look at the two major Crypto investment/staking platforms, to the best of my knowledge they are only two.
1. Ape Escape Crypto staking platform
This is the newest one in the crypto space, a Baked beans spinoff but more improved version of the well-known baked beans, it has a better daily percentage, better apr, and faster payout.
About Ape Escape
$Escape is an auto staking token as part of the Ape Escape ecosystem. With a 2% reflection fee spreading its tokens across holders with every transaction, it’s ready to grow your bag automatically just by holding.
The BananaFarm is an aggressive but locked BNB Staking Pool, returning up to* 12% in BNB daily! Grow your army of apes to get our bananas, then you can Sell bananas for BNB or Hire more apes with bananas to Increase your daily returns.
*Depending on multiple factors such as TVL, banana market value, personal selling habits, and more.
With our everlasting treasury dividend investments from the BananaBank, we strive to build a supported and most importantly, sustainable wealth-building Ecosystem for all to enjoy!
How Ape Escape works
You buy apes with BNB, every day you make 12% of the BNB you spent buying the apes. If you rehire you make more BNB, by rehiring I mean using the money you made to buy more apes or add to your initial investment, you can then make more.
For example, you put in $50 worth bnb initially,
Every day you get 12% back, which is $6. You can decide to sell and get back the $6 every day or reinvest the $6 to get higher returns. If you reinvest the $6, it will be added to your initial $50 making it $56, you can then get 12% of the $56.
The more money you reinvest the more money you get, you can pretty much make your capital in two weeks, the rest is profit and it’s automatic.
People are making a steady $100 per day after they’ve made their capital back.
How does Ape Escape make its money?
This question is very important, a good stream of income keeps any business afloat.
When you invest, your money is locked away forever you cant unstake it, they now use the money invested to invest in external business ventures, stocks, coins, some offline business, etc.
When you reinvest you are charged a small gas fee each time, when you decide to cash out you are also charged %20 of your profit. This all goes back to this investment platform called Banana farm.
ApeEscape has its own native cryptocurrency token called $Escape, which you can buy and hold, each buy and sell comes with a tax too, this tax goes to the Ecosystem too.
How to make money with ApeEscape Banana Farm
1. Open this link on your Trustwallet or Metamask it contain my affiliate link https://bananafarm.apeescape.io/?ref=0x8f8e55c321175b2b96915e1366c2f31f74831883 (When you use my affiliate link shoot me a mail at Teamtimothys@gmail.com, I’ll give you the strategy to make $100 a day with $30 investment, plus a tool to help you calculate your future profits based on number of days)
2. Connect your wallet, select the Smart chain icon
3. You’ll see the total BNB staked, you’ll also see the BNB balance that’s available in your wallet. Look down you’ll see your Apes, at this point, it will be empty because you haven’t bought anyone.
3. Put in the amount of BNB you want to buy in the white box and click on Buy Apes, accept the Gas fee.
this is where your bnb value will be
4. Give it 24 hours for your first 12% to land, you can then click on Hire Apes
Or SellBananas if you want to cash out Immediately, But I suggest you hire 7 days and sell on the 8th day, that way you’ve allowed the percentage to build up.
The first and the most popular one, It has millions of BNB invested, some are making 22k dollars a day these users actually meet it when it was in its infancy, not yet well known, the earlier the better, just like Ape Escape, this too involves buying Beans with BNB staking them to receive a percentage every day.
About BakedBeans Ecosystem
You buy beans with BNB, every day you make 8% of the BNB you spent buying the beans. If you rebake you make more BNB, by rebaking I mean using the money you made to buy more beans or add to your initial investment, you can then make more.
For example, you put in $50 worth bnb initially,
Every day you get 8% back, which is $4. You can decide to sell and get back the $4 every day or reinvest the $4 to get higher returns. If you reinvest the $4, it will be added to your initial $50 making it $54, you can then get 8% of the $56. Remember is every day.
The more money you reinvest the more money you get, you can pretty much make your capital in two weeks, the rest is profit and it’s automatic. People are making up to 22k dollars every day on Baked beans.
How to make money with Baked beans farm
1. Open this link on your Trustwallet or Metamask it contain my affiliate link https://bakedbeans.io/?ref=0x8F8E55C321175B2B96915e1366C2F31f74831883 (When you use my affiliate link shoot me a mail at Teamtimothys@gmail.com, I’ll give you the strategy to make $100 a day with $30 investment, plus a tool to help you calculate your future profits based on number of days)
2. Connect your wallet, select the Smart chain icon
3. You’ll see the total BNB staked, you’ll also see the BNB balance that’s available in your wallet. Look down you’ll see your Beans, at this point, they will be empty because you haven’t bought anyone.
3. Put in the amount of BNB you want to buy in the white box and click on Bake Beans accept the Gas fee.
4. Give it 24 hours for your first 8% to land, you can then click on Rebake Beans.
Or SellBananas if you want to cash out Immediately, But I suggest you hire 7 days and sell on the 8th day, that way you’ve allowed the percentage to build up.
Your Beans: They are miners hired with BNB (They do not have a set price) that gain your daily rewards Beans DO NOT have a price, Beans price per BNB fluctuates EVERY min Bake: Bake Beans displays blue when a BNB amount is entered into the window just above, click bake to confirm deposit Gas fees (Standard BSC fees .11c) and a 3% dev fee upon deposit and withdrawal Re-bake: Minimum re-bake is .01 BNB If there are rewards accumulated and a new deposit is made ALL BNB gets added to “Your Beans” Eat Beans: This withdraws BNB accumulated and is transferred into connected personal wallet Eat fees are BSC gas fees and 3% dev fee Referral: You need to have invested in the miner for the referral to show The bonus is 12% of the 3% dev fee (Please see faqdoc for further details) Your Rewards: This displays the amount of BNB accumulated from your Beans over time This is accumulated as soon as you have deposited Please note: This This is a locked smart contract | BNB rewards pool your initial investment is locked (forever) Rewards fluctuate between 1-8% on several factors, incl TVL amount, eating and re-baking habits (Please see faqdoc for detailed info) Following 6:1 ratio is recommended as a tried and tested way of bean bakers (see faqdoc for more info).
Post Written by Tim
Tim is a hardcore crypto investor, with eyes on new low cap gem coins, he was amongst the first call out ping(sonar) Called out Micropet when it was under a 1million dollar market cap before it hit $300m. Join me my new channel on Telegram, you can ask questions and get answers, plus get access to tokens that can easily make x80. https://t.me/+9sOnYi-5PyMzYzQ0