Blogging For Beginners

blogging for beginners

Are you considering quitting your job and entering the businees of blogging in order to blog for money? Or you just want to blog for fun and make friends. Well the fact is all that is possible, but in order to succeed you to need master at least the basics of blogging. And this article Blogging For Beginners will help you do that.
As a beginner is overwhelming reading all the articles available in the Internet about blogging, with all the blogging jargons which you may not know thereby confusing you the more.
This article takes all that into account and creates a simple guide to blogging for beginers like you.

What is a blog

Blogs are constantly updated Sites published on the World Wide Web, usually in form of journals where an individual or group of users updates it regulary. The writer i.e “in charge of posting” of the blog is called a blogger.

Difference between Websites and Blogs

Blogs are constantly updated with contents known as post, blogs also increases and encourages friendships through the use of comments. While Website do not require it’s contents to be updated constantly, almost all the Websites do not have comments enabled. However when it comes to traffic Blogs are best and therefore it gets traffic more than Websites, because search engines like Google and Yahoo! loves Sites which are constantly updated.

Types of Blogging platform

Blogging platform are websites that provides hosting to to blogs (think of it as an office space).
There are different types of blogging platforms but two stand out and are widely used by many bloggers they are
* WordPress.WordPress is a blogging platform that is used by many websites. It has many plug ins and add ons, it’s great for SEO too as the platform is trusted by google and other big search engines, WordPress has two types of accounts; the free and the paid accounts.
The free accounts is limited, you can’t use your own custom domian but theirs and you can’t place adverts, that means you can’t make money with your blog, however you don’t have to pay anything.
Paid platform enables you to do anything you want to do with your blog
* Blogger. Blogger is a blogging platform owned by one of the popular search engine Google. Like WordPress blogger has free hosting, and paid one with your own custom domain. Though blogs powered by blogger has few plug ins compared to WordPress it makes up by allowing third party plug ins both in free and registered platforms.
Other blogging platforms includes:
* Joomla
* Typepad
* Xanga
* Drumpal

Simple steps to Start a blog

1. Chose the platform. 2. Decide which type of account you wish to have
3. Register with them go to for blogger or to for wordpress
4. Create an account, fill in the necessary things and bingo! You are done.


Try starting a blog on a free platform or account, write for some months and see how it goes before registering your domain. By the way this is my second blog.

When you do tell me so that I can check it out.

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