Write And Earn Hubpages Review and Basic Guild For Beginners

hubpages for beginners

If you are looking to write and in the process make some money, then hubpages is for you. But first you need to know at least the basics before you opt in and start writing.

What you need to know about Hubpages

Hubpages is an online pay website, it pays it’s writers based on the revenue of the writers articles, in other words Hubpages is one of the many revenue sharing website available on the Internet and pays depending on traffics to a writer’s articles.

On the website an article is called a hub, and hubs must pass their QAT, quality assement test in order to be featured. A beginner needs to get 5 hubs featured in order to graduate from “booth camp” which is their way of testing and evaluating your writing, after which other hubs will be published even if didn’t pass the QAT.

What is hubpages Booth Camp?

Booth camp is a name original taken from the US Marine, which refers to new recruits and those recruits must graduate from booth camp before they can become full Marines, in the same manner a beginner is a new recruit and must graduate from there before they can become full members of hubpages, and the critera for graduation is 5 featured hubs.

Featured hubs vs Published-unfeatured hubs

On the hubpages if a hub is featured it gets many benefits, a featured hub gets:
* More exposure as the hub will be made available to search engines
* Will be shown on other hubs in the same category
* Will have the oppoturnity to win the hub of the week award which is increases the hubs traffic and an increase in traffic is proportional to an increase in earnings.
* Will get more traffic thereby increasing the potential for earnings, and lots more.
After booth camp you’ll be allowed to get unfeatured hubs published on their site, but it won’t be made available to search engines like google, nor will it have other benefits mentioned above.

Advantages of Hubpages

1. You’ll get to polish your skills in writing
2. You get to gain exposure
3. You’ll earn money everytime even while sleeping!
* You get to make lots friends
* Hubpages has excellent support and helpful community with their forum as it’s focal point.
* You get to earn money through 3 types of ads, which can be used together

How their Earning program works

You’ll have to write articles which has to get viewed many times, then you’ll have to choose between Adsense or hubpages advertising or both if you like.
However for Adsense you’ll have to write up to 10 hubs and set up your profile before you are approved.
You can also earn through Amazon capsules or Ebay, for instance, if you write a review of lets say a book, all you have to do is find the name of the book using the Amazon search which is intergrated on Hubpages, find the book and add it to your hub any one that clicks on it and buys the book you make money! Same with Ebay. For example check out one of my featured hubs on hubpgesThe African Child there you’ll notice the Amazon capusules with prizes of the book.

ReadBlogging for beginners

Guide to setting up your account

* Go to hubpages
2. Create an account is easy then start writing! Have fun!


  1. This is quite a comprehensive guide to using hubpages. Hubpages was one of the online platforms that motivated me into blogging and making money online. Thanks for this article anyway.

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