Easiest Way To Create Dynamic Pages On Blogger

Create dynamic pages on Blogger

No HTML no coding, this is easy to understand and implement, because of the new interface you now only need to copy and paste. If you want to create a page that you can add post to, i.e writing under it then you need to pay attention to this article as I’ll be teaching you the easiest simple and yet effective way of creating category pages that will carry all articles/posts on that category, as this makes your blog neat and organized it’s a must do.

Our first lesson will be to learn the proper name of pages. In blogging sense there are two types of pages namely
1. Static Pages
2. Dynamic pages

A Static page is a page that is stand still, an immobile kind of post or article. Static pages can’t be updated automatically, which means if you want to update them you need to edit them seperately. Static pages are best used for contents that are evergreen, ones that are not time sensitive and can equally exist on its own without regular updating. Example of static pages on Nethelpblog are the “About and Contact” pages. On the other hand Dynamic pages are pages that can be updated automatically, whenever you update your blog to a specific category i.e the category that’s tied with the page. Clicking on that page brings out the whole post you’ve written under that page.

Creating a Dynamic page is actually a challenge to the average user as +Blogger did not make the provision easy and simple enough to understand, while in WordPress even newbies are spoilt for choice in picking plug-ins that will do the job excellently. Creating that Dynamic page in Blogger the easiest way possible is what this post is all about, just read and pay attention to little details. In order for you to appreciate both pages let’s look at them critically especially when it comes to our platform Google’s Blogspot Blogger.

Dynamic pages Vs Static pages on Blogger

We’ve seen what Dynamic and Static pages are all about, now let’s see some reasons why you may need to pick Static pages over Dynamic ones and vice-versa.

Static pages on your blog

If you need an unmovable page, ones that will stand the test of time, then you need this, what what Still pages bring to your blog are, amongst them are
* Up to date information about you, your blog and what your blog offers- visitors will bank on this pages to get what your blog is all about.
* A Privacy Policy page is possible because of Still (Static) page.
* Any other information or collection of informations that are not likely to change for a long while are put on a Still page. E.g the title section of Blogger where description are written.
* Good for traffic and for Search Engine optimization and traffic (SEO & T)- Your keywords are put in the About Us and title sections which are then indexed

Set up Dynamic Pages 5 easy steps

Blogger has recently made creating of pages easy especially when it comes to dynamic pages, as they have changed the interface a little. As such even new ones can do it. The old way of choosing web address has been phased out, I just came across it when someone told me to create Dynamic pages for him (note: I do this and other things free, I believe in helping out, if you have problem contact me and we will work it out.) The regular Static pages creation you used to know is no more, the new layout is now similar to writing post. The change also affected Dynamic pages, hence this tutorial.

1. First you need to create Labels and tag them on your post, because this interface need labels to work.
2. Copy the label’s Url, the one you want to make page on. E.g if it’s Technology page you want to create, copy the label’s Url or web address (this after you’ve tagged all your post on technology with the label technology).
3. Go To Layout > Pages > scroll down and select ” Add link page”
4. When it opens name the page e.g Technology and paste the web address your copied ealier then save it. Do this for other pages.
5. Optional > Rearrange the pages if you want. And don’t forget to label all your posts correctly.

Question me if you have problems, I’ll answer, otherwise share with others.

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