Easy Way To View Private/Locked Facebook Photos Legally

update: Try the underground internet

If you have the means you can try underground hackers, these ones don’t make their work public, they are quite difficult to pin down. Officially this group does not exist. The only downside of this group of hackers is it takes days for you to get private pictures and even personal conversation. At least they are better than these online view tools.

One of such underground hackêrs is DEM, they can get you to want. The only downside of this is the only official way of contacting them is through their email. Send them an email on dontbotheryourselflooking@gmail.com to get started.


Viewing private photos without the permission of the owner can be annoying especially if you told the owner what you’ve done, that’s why you need to unlock those locked photos without the owner knowing about it, this way you’ll be legally viewing the private pictures. Facebook has this option of turning the privacy settings of photos to only me, making it private, unavailable to the general Facebook public.

But is it really private? Well, curiosity moved me to find out just as it’s moving you to read this. So here is my find, Facebook private pictures are not secured, even a non-Facebook user can view them, actually it’s not a big deal nor it’s technical, if you can delete and add, copy and paste you can do it. It’s as simple as reading A, B, C, D, the nursery words a 5-year-old can manage.

Facebook photos of you and Friend

This tutorial is in steps, for easier understanding, the stages are all easy to understand. Like always pay attention to details, it’s not skimming but studying
Step. 1 Locate and copy 

need to locate and copy the locked image URL (a URL is the web address of the image). To do this go to the profile of the person who has locked his pics. Right-click on their profile picture and click copy image Url.

Read how to close your Facebook Account for good
More List of Facebook logins for security

After that paste the copied Url in a text editor like Notepad in Windows.

Step 2. Replace and Launch The copied Url will look like this “https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn1/c154.33.412.412/s160x160/” now edit the picture and make it like this ” https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-cryptlife/ ” all done without quotes.

You literally remove the numbers and add ak-cryptlife/ After this copy and past it to your browser tab then launch it from there, you’ll now see the full picture. Do this for each picture to open them and view the enlarged version.

Although I’m using this tutorial, I’m one of those people on Facebook who will like to see the privacy of photos improved, so that when you set your images to private it’ll be private, you’ll relax having in mind that people won’t see what you’ve hidden.

There is another way to this, in case you don’t understand the first one, it’s called the Javascript way. This way involves using javascript code which can be used to view blocked facebook private albums and photos, here is how to do it.

Sign in to your account.
*.Go to the profile of a user whose picture you want to view.

*.Copy-paste this link into your browser
javascript:(function(){CSS.removeClass(document.body,%20’profile_two_columns’); tab_controller.changePage(“photos”);})().

*.press enter, and you are done.

Sorry, the above methods are no longer effective, as Facebook has patched that security hole. Check back from time to time as there might a new method to do this in the future.

Have any comments? I’d be glad to read them, share with friends.


  1. Dobbs it depends on your device if it's a smartphone maybe those Android and iOS phones at least one of the method will work.

  2. John I don't know, two things are involved either you didn't do it correctly or Facebook security have somehow figured a way to stop this from working in your country

  3. Maybe facebook has fixed it in your country, it happens but last time I checked it worked Is just that it displays half

  4. Hi! Is this what i have to post when using the javascript way?

    javascript:(function(){CSS.removeClass(document.body,%20'profile_two_columns’); tab_controller.changePage(“photos”);})().

    Also, do i have to post it in a new browser or next to the person's whose pictures i want to see or where?

  5. its not happening man.
    do i have to copy it from javascript till the last . and paste it directly on the id i want to observe?

  6. i tried its not working..
    do i have to copy it from java script and directly paste on the address bar of that profile?

  7. how do i see a private album?
    when i try to see someones mobile uploads it does not allow me but it says there are 200 something photos

  8. I'll tell you another option to see his facebook photos if not in your friends list visit http://www.faceves.com/ This is the most simple way to do this. So i think there is no other way.

  9. Anonymous

    As garotas similarmente ficam mais ousadas.

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