Help on How To Fix a Computer Which is Not Booting

Is your computer not booting? does it show black enviroment with some stuff you dont understand? things like press f1 to continue, press f2 for setup? Start displaying HDD, CD-rom etc? And when you do press the f1 to continue it won’t?

The black environment is like a place where all your major system hardwares are listed, and from their you can access your set up menu. Dont worry fix it is going to help you fix your computer yourself, you can do it is not difficult

Possible causes:

1. No Hard disc drive(HDD)
2. Wrong step up
3. HDD is corrupted

1. No hard disc drive: Check to see whether your hard drive is present. How do yo do that? After you switch your computer on information is displayed on the black screen, check wheather you will see HDD present, if not then know that your harddrive is missing or not properly in it place, to be sure that your HDD Is not present press f1 to continue booting, if the computer shows ” operating system not found” know that the fault is with your hard drive, in that case you need to change it.

2. Wrong set-up: This is one of the major causes of computer not booting and also the common type.
What you need to do1. hit f2 or del to go to set-up( you will see the instructions for system at black screen, because it varies but it is basically the same functions)
2. Choose Boot menu and change the following: put HDD as the first boot device; put CD-Rom as the second boot device; select anyother as the third press f10 or any other keys displayed on your screen to save and exit. Watch as your system boots!

If that doesn’t work then..

3. HDD is corrupted: first of all try booting in safe mood. In booting in safe mood your computer takes only the necessary programs and applications needed to bo ot your system. If it works know that the fault is with your drivers and application in that case you need uninstall it one by one and try booting it normally again start from latest ones you added. If that doesn’t work then your computer needs formating. You can back up your most important documents with an external HDD, which you can get at any computer store, is simple just plug it in select and copy it to the external HDD.

To Format your computer 1. Get an OS you wish to use(operating system) in this case we are using windows xp if it is in form of plate insert it into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
2. Go to set-up, go to boot menu select first boot device as CD-ROM, second it with HDD
3. Save and exit, wait for it to read the OS
4. After it options will ap pear options like press L to format, choose a partition and try repairing it first, if it doesn’t work follow the steps again, instead rapairing it, press delete, select quick format.
5. After formating it will load your windows xp into your HDD during the process it may ask for a pin check the pin at the back of the software cover. Enter it and hit enter, the rest are Automatic.
6. When the system desplays the windows enviroment, know that you have successfully fixed your computer, congratulation!
7. Now remove the software from the CD-ROM, you can restore your back up by selecting it and copying it back to your computer.

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