How To Get US and other Country Targeted Traffic With Google webmaster tools

Getting traffic from internet priotized regions like the United States, United Kindom and other European countries has it many benefits, as a blog owner you should try to get this sorts of traffic especially if you offer services like adverts, selling of goods and services and any other service that’s in exchange for money.
On the other hand its benefits, as I mentioned above it has lots of benefits many of them money based, while all can’t be captured here, I’ll try to bring out some of the main ones. So?

Benefits of Targeted contents

*Detailed Reports You’ll get all information about that country you are targeting; armed with that information you can implement it, to increase your blog’s search visibility and maybe rank high in that country whether Alexa I mean
* Revenue If you’re here for the cash then, you’d gain more revenue as targeted traffic, no matter how little compared with untargeted ones tend to perform better. For example if you target US visitor and your blog provide US specific services like adverts don’t you think they’ll click that ad more?
* SEO SEO which is search engine optimization is further boasted by targeted traffic, because you know where you want your visitors coming from, It’ll now be easier to optimize and get them to come.
Content You want them? Write for them that’s in nutshell, to write for them you’ve to know who you’re writing for.

Why you need targeted Traffic

If you’re online for money especially through adverts, as (companies like adsense, chitika and others tend to pay more for US traffic). For people who are not here for the cash to help them see what they may not have seen, here is a question “if you are not then why are you here?” answering this will go long way to know why you should get targeted visitors. Let say you’re here to help people who do you want to help? Country specific or general?
We’ve all seen the many pros of targeted traffic, but how can we get those visitors is the question what shall we do to get the blessed apple is still another question

Introducing Google Webmaster tools

Yes it’s possible to drive many targeted visitors to your blog, using Google’s own webmaster tools (GWT)! Actually this is not thing, as almost every blogger uses GWT in their blog, but this trick is! What’s cool about tutorials is the kick of seeing what’s not obvious.
For many that don’t know about GWT

What is Google webmaster tools?

This is an online tool used by admins and webmasters to check site’s functions and overall performance of a website, this shows them whether their site is in good health, it also has options for what we are discussing now.
Welcome back hope you’ve learnt the summary review of what Google webmaster tool is about. Now to our main deal, that is how a blog owner can boast or increase his US traffic and other Internet high worth country visitors via Google webmaster tool. Log in to GWT go to Settings > Set geographic location >

Select US (If it’s US you want) and that’s it you’re done! What happens next is automatic you’ve just directed the world’s biggest search engine to do your bidding and what? Google search is powerless. This is the power of this tutorial over the world’s biggest search engine.
Important : You should know what your blog needs, its traffic needs and give it, if this is not suitable you can uncheck that country, how do you know its not suitable for your blog? Use decernment if you’ve implemented it watch it, your traffic decreases and and you’re not getting what you want you may uncheck it. O! That reminds me Mark Spencer wrote a post about Google’s Webmaster geographic location which I suggest you check out if you want to know more about this


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