How To Invite All Friends To Like Facebook Pages And Events with One Click

This is the easy and cost effective way to invite all your Facebook friends to like pages or join events, yours or others all in a single click. Working 100% and it’s free.

The need for this arouse when I wanted to invite all my friends to like my pages, I have about 3 pages I wanted them to like, doing it one by one for up to 3000+ plus friends for each page will be time consuming, and I’d be wasting time.

I wanted to know if it’s possible to invite all my contacts to like my page all at once with one single click, so I started searching it on Net, after much searching, I found out that such is indead possible, but I didn’t find out the “how”, that is how to make it possible because the ones I saw were all developed for the past two years 2010, 2012 the least was last year 2013 they were no longer working. I guess it is because it’s outdated.

Finally I was able to get it right, and since this blog Nethelpblog is all about helping each other, I decided to post it here, so now I bring to you what I call Facebook 1 click invite, instead of inviting your Facebook contacts or friends to like your page 1 by 1 you’ll do it now with one single click. This FB 1 click invite code is effective, doesn’t take time, free and most importantly it gets the Job done.

How To Use Facebook 1 Click Invite

For Pages

To invite all your friends to like your page with a single click follow the following steps.

1. Get Google Chrome Get Chrome browser, download and install it if you don’t have it on your computer. Open it and use to access your target FB page, then > Open invite friends option.

2. Input Input or press F12 on your Keyboard, console for Chrome opens in a new Window.

3. Copy & Paste Copy and paste the following Javascript codes in the Window and press enter.

<var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘uiButton _1sm’); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }

Repeat all the steps substituting pages for the events and then copy and paste below code on the Chrome console window.


javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()}

This code will automatically invite all your FB contact to either like your page or join an event. With a little customization the code can be used for group addiction, although I can’t assure you this because I’m still working on it.

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