How To Upload Pictures On Tinder Without Facebook

How To Upload Pictures On Tinder Without Facebook

Tinder and Facebook are involved in a marriage, a marriage that so many users are not comfortable with, even to upload your pictures to Tinder you must use FB. As a Tinder user you’re part of the family so you’re a stakeholder although it doesn’t feel like that.

The truth is it is really uncomfortable to many Facebook and Tinder users, it’s not funny as every thing you want to do involves Tinder, including uploading your photos to Tinder is one of them.
Although to be honest you can’t upload your pictures directly to Tinder officially but you can do that unofficially by using this walk around.
The main reason why we would love to upload our pictures directly to Tinder without using Facebook is to keep our Tinder pictures hidden from our fb friends, that is keep our photos separate, Tinder photos for Tinder account, Facebook photos for Facebook account.
This walk around involves Facebook, you need to set some things on your account.
– First is to log in to your FB account
– Create an album for your Tinder account, and name it Tinder or any thing. Then set the album’s privacy to only me.
– Upload any picture you’ll like to use on Tinder to that fb album.
– Now log in to Tinder you’ll find those pictures there.
– Some have sent me a message that this have stopped working with their account. Here are more options
– If you’re yet to update your Tinder app update it and log in you’ll see the pics. If that doesn’t work here is another method.
– Set your status update to only me, then upload the pictures you’ll like to use on Tinder as you’ll do while updating your status.
– Double check It to make sure the privacy is still only me.
– After you must have uploaded the photos tag yourself. After this log in back to the Tinder app.
This way you get to put those pictures you want to on Tinder and still keep it away from Facebook, so your friends won’t see them.


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