How To Win Facebook Identify Picture and Get Your Account Back

So you and Facebook is kind of engaged in a war, you’re battling with the website over your account which has been closed or locked due to some occurances that may be deemed by Facebook as a security threat, this closure or suspention of your account may be because of forgotten password or because your account was subject to hacking, among other major things that can cause this is low or minimal activity on your account. Facebook takes every user’s security seriously as such some of it’s security checks are difficult to bypass. Among this major security checks is the “identify friends photos” check.

Facebook identify friends

This is one of the many security checks that FB uses to to identify real account owners. It’s designed to weed out users who are abusing their website by creating many accounts. What usually happens is, if you’re marked by Facebook as a fake person with fake account, the next thing is for them to lock your account. If you want to unlock your account you have to prove how well you know your FB friends and your account, trust me this is quiet difficult as you’ll be presented with tagged photos of you and friends to identify.

This can happen to any body, although it’s rare for this to happen to a standard user who abides by FB TOS. If you eventually experiences this, well I bet you didn’t find it funny, it’s a proven fact that 70% of people that has been hit by this never recovered their accounts again. Why? Imagine where you had about 1000-5000 Facebook friends, you’re required to identify 3 pictures of your friends (not just profile pictures but tagged ones) with the probability of bringing out pictures you haven’t seen before very high, now how is that!

This in actuality is a war, and the good news here, you can win the war! I warn you though this is war and in wars there are casualities, it’s will be difficult but since I won mine, you can win yours, just do what I did and your long lost account will be yours once more.

This are the steps to follow to recover your Facebook account.

1. Log in to the account you want to recover
2. Click continue to go ahead to identify the photos as normal
3. Leave that, and open Facebook on a new tab, navigate until you reach identify photos. Select the last picture or name and wait for the next to load
4. Go back to the first tab and select the first picture or name
6. Open a new tab and select the second name or picture and submit.

At this point if you’re lucky your account will be opened if you are not then don’t worry, just repeat the above steps everyday for three days at exactly the same time, time is important here, for instance if you did the above step on 9 AM, and used 5 minutes, make sure the second time is 9 AM and the duration is 5 minutes. What is the rational for this you might want to know

While doing my own I found out one interesting fact, as you’re trying to identify the images, FB will be bringing out pictures which you’ll recognize although you won’t place it at first, but the more you try the more ones that you can place comes up, until you select them. I used this to open similar blocked account, I only did this for 3 days and wo! On the fourth day my own profile picture was there for me to identify. I not only used this on my own account I used this method on 2 more FB accounts and it worked.

I’ve decided to share this with you, so that you can try it let it become an established fact used by many and not a theory used by few. Try this and comment on the result, we will love to hear.


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