Trusted Online Payment Solution Platforms in Nigeria

People living in Nigeria, a country which is often called giants of Africa may encounter one problem or the other when paying or receiving funds online largely due to the payment solution being used, which may not be up to standard. There is nothing more frustrating than not getting your money on time or not getting it at all as a result of a payment platform you’re using.

When it comes to transfering, accepting or buying things with your money online, you need to make sure that the platform you use is up to standard, so that you won’t lose your money in the long run. So I’m providing a list of top online payment solution in the country, they are not just only a bunch of names slapped together this are top-notch platforms that can fulfill any online transaction requirement you might need it to do. But before I go into this list proper I’ll like you to understand a little bit of what this online payment platforms are all about, incase you didn’t pick that up so far.

What are they?

They are companys and organizations having their presence either both offline and online or only online, providing money related services to people. Such services include but not limited to
* Electronic transfer
* Online payments- Merchant account, providing a platform for cash to be received through the sale of your products.
* Provides sales services for websites
* ATM, POS, and other e-withdrawal and payment platforms
* Currency converter etc.

5. Interswitch
6. InternetPay

Others that are not full Nigerian are
8. AlertPay
9. Liberty Reserve(now offline)
10. 2checkout
11. Fastecash
12. VTN and Softpurse

Another very powerful online payment platform is Paypal, yes Paypal is not officially available in Nigeria but you can use it here in Nigeria, by doing some tweeking, setting things up, so that you’d be able to receive payment and send money . Don’t worry the tutorial for setting up Paypal address in Nigeria will come in the next update, meanwhile stay tunned via the email address way.

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  1. Some more useful companies providing money- related services can be ProPay and Paysera. They are US and Europe based companies and provide their service to a large number of countries including Nigeria.

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