Warning Deleting Your Facebook Account is Not The Solution

Deleting is dangerous, stick with the devil you know….CT

Here is why you should not delete your Facebook account yourself even if you’re tired of Facebook; “question”, yes this quetions can point out the cons of what you’re about to do. As an individual will you like to be forgotten? Will you like to kíll yourself and be dead? Will you like to be hated and seen as a heartless selfish person? No sane human would probably want to do any of that to his or herself, or be forgotten by friends, in line with that there are two major life a Facebook user currently have- the internet life and the real life. The internet life comprises of our email address, the websites we visit, like Forums, and Social networks.

The internet life is linked to our real life by a social network called Facebook, FB is the linkage that links our web life to our real life, which means majority of our offline (real life) friends are in our Facebook friend list, from High School to College and University friends they all are likely our friends here, not to mention our parents and relatives. So you see Facebook is actually the bridge that links our offline life to our online life. Deleting your Facebook account is dangerous because it puts you at odds with people even loved ones, you’ll also feel sad and alone amongst other feelings. Most importantly you’d be cutting off your online life entirely which is equivalant to kílling yourself or being dead. People will feel hurt by your action, because of this they make hate you, you’ll even lose some friends. While many others will forget you. Your web participation will be limited and gradually you will be forgotten by friends on Facebook.

This is sad but true, although there are reasons why one will want to delete his or her FB account, but you have to sit down and weigh it, the advantages and disadvantages is it worth it? and then come to a conclusion about what to do, you need to ask yourself questions like
– How closely attached am I to my Facebook account?
– If I delete my account will I still get back my contacts?
– Why am I even deleting it in the first place? Is the reason enough to warrant killing my web life?

Those heart searching questions are what can help you re-adjust your mind-set so that you won’t have any course to regret your action later. Granted there are some strong reasons that seemingly warrants closing your account, reasons like becoming addicted to your Facebook account, because of this you may experience lots of negatives as distractions are bound to set in, this may affect your productivity in work, school or home. In this case you may consider deactivating your FB account instead of deleting it. After you’ve considered the facts, weighed the options and come to a conclusion, if you still want to delete your account then go ahead and read the tutorial on how to delete your Facebook account. No one is holding you back, but remember if you’re closing your account with the hope of opening a new one, know this “the Devil you know is better than the Angel you do not know” it’s better you stick to the one you have and try to fix the problem you’re having than opening a new one, that new one may even turn out to be worse.

We’re done do what’s best for you but remember, don’t just look out for yourself, look out for others, if you can you can ask your friends whether it’ll be ok to close it down. Ultimatly it’s up to you, the decision is personal.

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