15 Cool  Minecraft Seeds Location And Spawn Points

15 Cool Minecraft Seeds Location And Spawn Points

I took to Minecraft to play and also find the coolest seeds to have fun with. I found plenty, but I’m sharing just 15 of these cool seeds, along with the seed codes, location, and spawn codes, with the picture of what each seed look like. You’ll love them, just don’t forget to share with all your cool friends. let’s get started.

There are many cool things you can do with Minecraft seeds, chief among them is the seeds helps you discover and explore new and exciting locations to spawn. Locations and environment which you may not find out on your own, without those seeds.

Best Cool Minecraft Seeds, Locations And Spawn Points.

1. Fossils at spawn.

Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points
Minecraft 1.12 Seed.

You have to travel across the river, you’ll see the double ravine! Go into the second one and you will see a fossil carefully


dig it out.

Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points

Then keep on traveling north through the desert a village awaits you, next is to travel due east and within 100 blocks you will see a desert temple. (the desert temple is somewhat hidden under the sand).

Seed Code: -999595225643433963.

2. Omnomnom.

Minecraft Beta 1.3 – Beta 1.7.3 Seed.

Seed Code: omnomnom

This is a cool cliff-archway with some interior, though is very far away from the only known spawn point. You’ll find the environment cool. With a couple of waterfalls and a little cave.

Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points


X: -1,494 .  Y: 68 .  Z: -1,159.

3. 113315686.

Minecraft Beta 1.3 – Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn pointsBeta 1.7.3 Seed.

Seed Code: 113315686.

The environment is even more amazing when compared to number 2. You have everything there. Forest, deserts,

oceans, lakes, mountains, hills, dungeons and a huge mass of diamonds.

4. Lost.

Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Seed.

Seed Code: lost.

You can use this cool seed to spawn in a mushroom biome, amazing thing! This seed can do it for you, just make sure you don’t get lost, as that would be bad as well as funny.


Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points

Spawn points

X: 224 . Y: 66.  Z: 250


X: 226. Y: 66. Z: 250.

5. Fake world seed.

Minecraft Beta 1.8 – Beta 1.8.1 Seed

Seed Code: Fake world seed

Ever wanted to make the desert your home? well, this seed will spawn next to a tree in a vast desert biome.

You don’t get to see this type of village often, as they are rare.


Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points


Spawn points.

X: 204 / Y: 65 / Z: 191

X: 60 /, Y: 73 /. Z: -230

This is a nice little NPC village. There is a 1/15 chance of getting a rare double house in this village.

6. Facebook

Minecraft 1.0.0 Seed.
Seed Code: Facebook.

Amazing mountains. You can explore all the cool things here,  There are also two chests that contain diamonds!

x 522. y 41. z 375.

7. Rusteh
Minecraft 1.1 Seed

Seed Code: Rusteh

That is cool! You spawn inside from a dungeon with two chests
and a skeleton spawner. But you can be happy because the exit is not too far.

Spawn points

X: 195 / Y: 67 / Z: 252


X: 177 / Y: 76 / Z: 233
A dungeon again! But here with a zombie spawner.
That’ ares so cool.

X: 195 / Y: 81 / Z: 224
Outside from the dungeons is a beautiful forest with brown and sometimes white tree´s. But watch out for caves because often they go very deep down.
X: 87 / Y: 65 / Z: 81
Near the forest is the sea and there cross the swamp and the desert. Cool but not so nice.
X: 350 / Y: 84 / Z: 336
Here are great mountains and cold snow.
A firs forest and hight hills.
That is one my favorite Location.

8. 3 blocks away from Spruce Village Seed.

Minecraft 1.1 Seed.

Seed Code: 64012658940284027.

A rare seed: This seed includes a spruce village, 3 Blocks (+ or minus) from the road to the village.

LOCATION: You spawn like an

Y : Right next to you is an oak forest: Left of the Y is the spruce forest with the village You spawn in. Upper Y is a little mountain biome and upper mini-mountain, are plains. Right to the spruce forest is a Mini mountain biome too, with some snow on some mountains.

9. Mushroom island with the mushroom village.

Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points
Minecraft 1.7.2 – 1.7.9 Seed.


You spawn on a mushroom island, with a village just right of the spawn.

Note: Tested with a mod installed, all the things described may not be there.

10. Village for All Versions.

Top cool minecraft seeds location and spawn points
Minecraft Pocket Edition Seed.

Seed Code: 999.

This code enables you to Spawn in double villages.

11. Spawn in Village.

Minecraft 1.12 Seed.

Seed Code: 1476124267994883343.

This works like the previous seed, except that it is for spawning in a village.

Spawn points

X: -153 / Y: 72 / Z: 256

12. Desert of Wonders

Minecraft 1.12 Seed

Seed Code: MoodyBooze

One of my favorite seed. Some 2000 blocks south from a spawn point, there is a desert, surrounded with savanna, jungle, mesa biome. In this desert and it’s vicinity you can find (on the area around 3000×2000 blocks) 10 villages of all types, at least 7 pyramids, and at least one jungle temple.

There are some interesting things to find in the crates – 2x diamond horse armor, few emeralds, some diamonds ton of gold and grapples, and some cool enchanting books.

Villages in this seed.

x  / z.
-200 / 1550.
85 / 2164.
810 / 2392.
-427 / 2802.
-1195 / 2212.
1189 / 2564.
1586 / 2629.
1893 / 2247.
2288 / 2272.
2283 / 2638,

x / z.
-700 / 1350.
-725 / 1700.
-213 / 2602.
330 / 2362.
1626 / 2411.
2234 / 2858.
1866 / 2713.

jungle temple.
x / z.
-940 / 2278.

13. Ocean monument next to islands.

Minecraft 1.2 – 1.3.2 Seed.

Seed Code: 1738098079.

Cool island at spawn with trees to start your survival adventure on, with more islands not too far from the spawn point. In the middle, there is a deep ocean monument.

Spawn points.

X: -200   Y: 56   Z: 248

14. Savanna Mountain Village.

Minecraft 1.12 Seed.

Seed Code: 15841848.

This village is built on a mountain. It has an amazing and cool view.

Spawn points.

X: 230  Y: 65  Z: 259.


X: 33 / Y: 66 / Z: 568.

The Village.

15. Small Ravine, and a Dungeon at spawn.
Minecraft 1.12 Seed.

Seed Code: -2498173351624229264.

Initially tested in 1.12 It can also work in my craft 1.13. You won’t get something like the old water physics. On survival, You can spawn next to a ravine only 36 blocks from bedrock (with water and lava in it), a dungeon inside the ravine, and many hills higher than anything close to spawn in sight.


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