6 Hard Ways To View Private Protected Tweets On Twitter

Tweets on Twitter are pretty difficult to view this day when compared to before, this is partially due to the improvement of web security, and other things.
But it is not impossible to view private protected Tweets even though it might be difficult. What you need is patience, determination and time. 
If you don’t have those things then you best stay put, because the days where one can exploit any flaw on Twitter is gone one way or the other even if a flaw is found today it takes a maximum of 24hours to patch it up. 
So you see there is a small window of opportunity for everyone one is desirous to view this private protected tweets to do so. Practically making it impossible to view private tweet on Twitter.
There is a way which you can you use, and this requires your determination, even at that it is no guarantee that it will work, to put in percentage 70% it will work if you follow through.

Here are what you’ll need to do

– Open a new Twitter account, using exactly or close, the same information as the one you intend to view his or her protected tweets.
– Generate activity for that Account, and trend some hashtags for some months (Twitter loves this, they’ve even made mistakes of verifying a wrong account instead of the right one because of hashtags)
– Your account should now be among the first account to show to your target. It is human nature to find out things, they say curiosity kills the cat. 
You have like 80 percent chance of your target following you just to find out why you’re so hot.
– If the person doesn’t follow you first take the first step and follow, he or she will follow back. Remember you need to get the person to follow you and follow back.
– Once that is accomplished you can see his or protected tweets for friends. 
– You have to build trust to get the whole private tweets. Building trust involves using what you know.
Note: You might find this pretty difficult or unworkable, but the truth is it is pretty much workable, in short, there are people or agency that does this for a fee. This is exactly the method they use. Before you pay you must see the result.


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