6 Top Amazing Craigslist Tampa Forums

6 Top Amazing Craigslist Tampa Forums

Many people don’t even know about these top amazing Craiglist Tampa forums, for all there chatters many Redditors are not aware that such forums exist, let alone in Craiglist of all places.

6 Top Amazing Craigslist Tampa Forums

This post is going to be short and straight to the point. You see when it comes Tampa city in Florida you will get the good, the bad and ugly here. But It’s a nice city so I believe the good is more than the rest. Some disagree, well that’s their business.

The Forums

1. Boomer and Beyond forum
Boomer and Beyond forum is Tampa forum is a discussion dedicated forum for Baby Boomers. Baby
Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. You’ll find mostly old people, senior Tampa citizens in this forum. Many have served the country faithfully in the military, civil service, and the private sector.

If you find yourself there show them respect.

2. Celebrity gossip
This is not the normal celebrity gossip forum on Craiglist, this one is quite different. What goes in here is best seen than imagined or described. Someone says the ugly? well, you decided.

3. Vegan forum
A vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) is someone who avoids using or consuming animal products. While vegetarians avoid flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and products tested.

This forum is Tampa’s own vegan online community, were vegs meet, discuss and plan.

4. Atheism

You know that there is no God, no there is God

This is a forum for those that don’t believe in the existence of a higher being. They say there is no God. Some even say there is God and that is oneself. If you’d like to check them out I suggest you stay quiet and observe.

5.Death & dying 34

Yes, it is what its name implies. A forum for those that have given up life, and want to end their lives. Is shocking and at the same time amazing. There are also people who are there to help those who can be helped.

Be careful if you want to join as the atmosphere in this forum is quite depressing.

6. Women’s issues 293

This is a place to discuss issues of particular interest to women, a place for lively, honest conversations about a variety of subjects and experiences. Everyone, men and women, is welcome.

Though everyone is welcomed you have to note that this is a woman’s forum, you need to respect that.


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