Amazing Top Google Nexus Secret And Hidden Codes

Developed by Google, a company that has interest in virtually all tech related things, although their focus is mainly concentrated online, they also do other business related activities offline.

“Google Nexus is a line of consumer electronic devices that run the Android operating system. Google manages the design, development, marketing, and support of these devices, but some development and all manufacturing are carried out by partnering original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The product family consists mostly of mobile devices—five smartphones and three tablet computers have been released to date.” _—The word according to Wikepeadia

Although they are developed by Google this Nexus smartphones are manufactured by various electronic companies like HTC, Samsung and LG, used by thousands, loved by many, this smartphones are simply irresistible, what they can do are amazing, it’s not just the slick and elegant design that’s doing it for me, it’s its features; what it can do after all the taste of a pudding is in the eating.

When it comes to features and functionalities Nexus smartphones are one of the top Android phones in this sphere, great camera; something akin to the sony normal stand alone Camera, good RAM/Precessor, and ability to upgrade to the lastest Android OS (some) are just some of the things that makes them thick. it’s features are just mind staggering, though they are somewhat costly especially the Nexus 4 and 5, but you’ll get value for your money.

A true definition of complete smartphones came alive with the advent of the Nexus one (1) made by HTC back in January 2010, Nexus S, two (2) manufactured by Samsung and released in November 2011; Galaxy Nexus produced by Samsung (not three (3)) released in November 2012 and Nexus four (4) by LG even up to Nexus five (5) manufactured by LG, in 2013
Made on the Android platform this smartphones can do amazing things, including hidden things that the eye can’t see, but to find out those things you can’t see, you need keys to open them, this keys are in turn codes, secret codes to open hidden things and access private features. This codes are what we are interested in right now and it’s what we are going to share here.

These codes will give you access to options which can’t be accessed directly from settings panel or apps. You only need to open the dialer and dial the following codes, which will be broken down by device type and make.

Nexus one Secret codes

Here are both tested and untested Nexus 1 secret codes, Check it here, it also includes many shortcut codes.

Galaxy Nexus Secret Codes

For now there are no known practical secret codes for GN, although there are exclusive ones which can damage your device as it’s still under going testing. However some Galaxy Codes have been found to work. It’s important to know that the Galaxy Nexus is not Nexus 3, it’s just a google version of the Samsung Galaxy.

Nexus S Secret Codes

This codes are all tested, you’ll also need to exercise caution while using it. Nexus S secret codes

Nexus 4 Secret codes

About 18 tested Nexus 4 secret and hidden codes are featured in this post.

Nexus 5 secret codes

Coming soon, still undergoing testing…


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