The Nexus S is a smartphone that’s developed by Google along with Electronic giant Samsung as a predcessor to the Nexus one smartphone. It runs on the Android operating system and has Android 2.3 Gingerbread version which is upgradable to 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. It has a System on chip Samsung Exynos 3 Single with a CPU of 1 GHzsingle-core ARM Cortex-A8 and a 512 MB of RAM, space Storage16 GBiNAND ( partitioned and 1 GB internal storage, 15 GB USB storage). It has a Battery of 1,500 mAh internal which can be replaced, it’s also rechargeable.
Impressive features, but that’s not all there are many more but for want of space and time I just highlighted the key ones, besides I’m not doing a review on the Nexus S, I’m actually interested in the secret codes, that is tested secret codes of the Nexus to access its hidden functions. Some of this codes can also serve as shortcuts, yep! Shortcut to long process on your device.
What the codes can do
– Can access hidden functions and menu
– hard resets/soft resets your Nexus S.
– Restores to original settings (factory settings, especially handy if you some how messed up your smartphone)
– Check system updates and lots more
Secret Codes for Nexus S
For i9020/i9023/M200
*#*#786#*#* This restores to original, also known as Hard Reset (Wipes/Resets Data/Profile & internal storage)
*#*#4772579#*#* GPSCLRX GPS clear (reset)
*#*#4636#*#* INFO Testing menu including (Phone, Battery & Wifi Info, Usage Statistics)
*#*#8255#*#* GTalk Monitoring (Monitor GTalk Activity)
*#06# IMEI number
*#*#2432546#*#* Checkin (Manually check for System Updates) Secret Code for D720
*#*#3282#*#* Data Programming (Data Profile, DDTM, Roaming Orig. Vocoder, EVRC-B, Home SID, USB Charging, RTSP/HTTPPD ports & addresses, Browser Gateway, MMSC URL)
*#*#33284#*#* Debug Menu (1x/EVDO Engineering, , Data Status,Debug Screen, Test Calls, RC Data, HDR/1x Selection, Voice Privacy, DTMF Set, Korea Mode Set)
*#*#786#*#* restores to original Hard Reset (Wipes/Resets Data/Profile & internal storage!)
*#*#(your msl)#*#* Service Menu (Phone Number Change)
*#*#8778#*#* Phone Utility (UART/USB Modem & PDA Selection)
*#*#4772579#*#* GPS clear (reset)
*#*#4636#*#* INFO Testing menu (Phone, Battery & Wifi Info, Usage Statistics) *#*#8255#*#*
*228 Phone activation (Activate your phone)
*.*#*#72786#*#* Factory default value for DSA selection
*#*#debug#*#* gets you in the debug menu.
Help others find this my sharing this article, always remember that some of this codes might damage your device, so use with care.