Earn Money Weekly Exoclick Review

Adsense takes time to arrive? Or adsense earning is not enough you need an Adsense alternative, you need small small ready cash at the end of each week, yes many of us do but is there any ad network that can do that? I mean pay its publishers weekly, well the truth is if there it there aren’t many, infact out of 10 ad network I don’t think you’d find any 1 that pays weekly, perhaps out of 15 or 20. The good news guys?

Yes there is an ad network that pays it’s publishers weakly that ad network is exoclick, you do not need to wait until the end of the month to receive your check or money. If you are a blogger then you difinitly need this ad network it’s efficient and you get to choose weakly or monthly pay out.


Inventory In terms of advertisers excolick has many worldwide they even have and provide adult materials for adult sites.
Revenue Automatic ad delivery optimization for higher payouts, good ad serving algorithms that helps match advertisers to site visitors and site.
Reporting You can track your Earnings that is eCPM based. You can see the performance of each ad unit Cost TR, Impressions and revenue in real time. The ad network works with direct Advertisers to bring quality ads from leading perfomance Advertisers of the many industries like the Entertainment (general) and Adult industries (don’t set your ads to this if your are using adsense). It also has Multiple ad formats, for the best optimization to your site or blog whatever its version: web or mobile. No need to bring more traffic to earn more, it’s usually best for small publishers as much traffic is not required to earn money, it has Better ads, more integrated ensure better revenues.

With exoclick you are sure of ad revenue weakly or monthly, just make sure your site meets their minimum criteria to get accepted, those criteria are not much your site needs about 60 unique visitors. But I did avise you to get more traffic to earn more as 60 as unique visits are not enough, though the acceptance level is put at that 60U, you should do as I suggest, I recommend that as someone who have tested this. To be more daring and bold even with your 60 visitors , you might not make a enough to be considered real cash.

You can try it by clicking this image, note it contains my affliate link, a promse click to earn!

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1 Comment

  1. Hello, this is really an amazing networks to earn money from blog. thanks for your amazing information.

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