Steps To Log In To Different Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and Youtube Accounts

Steps To Log In To Multiple Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and Youtube Accounts

You may have more than one account at one website, that’s two or more Facebook account, two or more Twitter account two or more Youtube accounts even Yahoo. You have those accounts but you have only one computer, maybe you’ll like the flexibility of switching to different accounts, for example you want to log in to your second Facebook account normally you’ve to logout from the first one, but with this tutorial you can log on to different facebook account at the same time with the same pc.

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Benefits of logging in to different accounts at the same time

It benefits are many, actually this benefits may serve as why you need to log in to multiple Facebook or any other website that requires password and username. Some of the benefits are

* You’ll have the flexibility that comes with it.
* Good for time management, you’ll be able to manage your time effectively.
* The time spent logging in and out from any of Yahoo, Facebook, Gmail, Youtube and other websites will be reduced, thus it help free up your time.
* You can take care of your social media, internet surfing and logging in and out on one computer.

Of course they are other benefits which I didn’t mention, there are others which I might not know but this ones pretty much sums it all up.

How To Switch to different account

You’ll need a browser, download and install Google Chrome if you don’t have it on your desktop or laptop computer. If you’ve done so follow this steps then.

1. 1) Login to your First Facebook, Twitter, Gmail or Youtube Account as you’ve been doing before.
2) Click the Wrench to bring Google Chrome options, and then Click New incognito window (or Press Ctrl+Shift+N or keyboards)
3) By clicking New incognito window it will bring you a new private window that stores all cookies apart (cookies are responsible for remembering your internet behaviour which include passwords and usernames you’ve entered. Cookie don’t also collapse with the first account’s cookie) You’ll notice a secret agent in the top left corner of Google Chrome.
4) Type or go to any website you want to log in to like or Youtube in the new private window, and Login to your second account

. Important: This method works also for: Pinterest, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Forums and many other accounting websites.

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