Easy Steps To Track Facebook Login Activity

Don’t change your password, catch them! Having a nagging feeling of someone else accessing your Facebook account? You’re suspecting someone perhaps your girlfriend or boyfriend spying on your fb activities, but don’t know how to be sure. Good news pay close attention to this post as you’re going to catch whoever is messing with your fb account red-handed.

The truth is, this can happen to anybody that has a Facebook account, you, me, others. There two types of people you should be aware of; the smart ones and the
showy ones. The smart ones will login to your account, leave everything untouched and log out. The showy ones will want to prove a point, they’ll login to your account and mess it up, doing everything that will let you know of their presence; deleting friends, chatting with close friends and even exhorting money from friends who trusts you. All this are done to show their power. More dangerous are the smart ones, those silent smart people who leave everything untouched, entering and leaving your account as often as they wish. Their aim to monitor you which often leads to grand conclusion. They might even logged in now! You won’t notice it for years until they strike, kidnappings and other major security issues are often because of this Facebook stalking. When you see some one, perhaps a stalker or someone enters your house uninvited you might wonder who give him your address, or you received an email or a phone call from people who you don’t know. Wondering how the got such information is no use as they are right there in fb.
There is an easy way to avoid this, it’s easy because Facebook already tracks it user activity. What you just have to do is tweek your settings a bit, bring in a third party address you own and customize with fb login notifications. The below steps are simple easy to implement steps you can take prevent and track unauthorized access to your Facebook account

Steps to track FB Log ins

1. Set up your Email If you used electronic mail to sign up and have configured login notifications, i.e having it on, then skip this step, if you didn’t, it’s important you set up your email address to this go to Settings > General > Select email and set it up.
2. Set up Email login notification Once more goto Settings > Select notifications > Check the Only notifications about your account, security and privacy option. Depending on the device you use do this more to be sure > Click the down arrow next to Home > Click account settings > Go to the security tab Click login notifications, make sure it is checked. If it’s, you’ll need to enter a device name every time you log in, the time of the login is recorded, as well as the external IP address of whoever is using it. This will be sent to you in an email, do check there as often as you can.

Although you’ve taken the major step you still need to be doing what I call Facebook account maintenance always check from time to time whether those checked notifications are still checked. Always pay attention to anything you don’t understand and watch it carefully, find an explanation online or ask me questions. For other top major fb login issues see top Facebook login and password issues resolved
Important! Share with others, as someelse may need this, just this extra effort may save a life. Have any questions ask it via comment.


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