Easy Way To Create Anti-Virus and Delete Virus With Notepad

Tired of those free anti-virus software that’s all free but can’t work on your computer? Or you just need a personal more tailored anti-virus that will clean a particular virus right that instant.

Virus are a threat to us as they are a threat to our computer, for humans many of the most deadly health problems are cost by virus, for computers this is the most deadly thing that can happen to any computer, that is getting infected with virus.

What really can virus do? To know what virus can do to your system it’s important to know the signs and symptons of computer virus, this answers the question because they are strongly related more like brother and sister than couple. So what are the signs and symptons? When you notice the following know that it is a virus work

1. Your files are lost.
2. Your files and applications has been turned to shortcut.
3. Computer is hanging
4. Your computer is behaving abnormally.
5. Computer can’t retain saved files when you reboot, this happens especially on microsoft word. (on start up will tell you the profile is changed or corrupted, anything in that line, I think I have a solution for this one just keep visiting) Etc.

If you notice the above symptons or any other type that is similar to this then know it’s the work of computer’s most feared enemy the almighty virus, should it really almighty? Afterall strong anti-virus can remove them, well it depends you can chose to allow it the almighty status, if you leave it run down your system. Or you can just chose to rubbish it by cleaning and removing it right now with this do it yourself anti-virus creation steps.

A note to you. Upgrade your existing anti-virus if you want, as this is works better because it’s paid, but make sure that you’re paying to trusted anti-virus companies like Avira, Kaspersky, Avast etc. This tutorial is intended to clean virus that the free version cannot clean.

How To create the Anti-Virus

What you’ll need Your computer, a notepad application.

1. Copy and paste this code without quotes to your notepad to locate it go to Start > Tools or Accesories > Notepad

” @ echo off echo off turn off the active virus taskkill / F / IM virusname1.exe / IM virusname2.exe echo Deleting all of viruses based on size for / RC: %% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA “%% a” echo deleting hidden virus echo for drive c and subfolders for / R C: %% a in (*. doc.exe) do del “%% a” echo for drive d and subfolders for / R D: %% a in (*. doc.exe) do del “%% a” echo Unhide Document cd / d c: echo for drive C and subfolders *. doc attrib-H-S-A / S cd / d d: echo for drive D and subfolders *. doc attrib-H-S-A / S exit ”

2. Save the file with an extention named .bat
3. Go to command prompt and run the notepad file you created.


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