How To Remove Shortcut Virus From Drives And Memory Card Easily

Have you plugged in your external harddrive or flash in your computer only to see all your files showing up as a shortcut? Well what’s your feeling if you’ve had such a experience before? Not good I suppose.

Virus when allowed to run for a long time grows stronger and gives birth to new ones, they multiply and spreads like worms, that is why you need to control them, yes it’s true that having anti-virus is not 100% gurantee that virus won’t enter in our computer, to do our part we need to be updating them, as a preventive measure, the truth is prevention is always better than cure.

There are many virus common in computers amongst these many viruses, there is this virus which can change or turn folders of very large Megabytes and Gigabytes (MBs/GBs) into small kilobytes (KBs) they are usually named “regsvr virus” (Note: It’s important not to confuse it with the System fileregsvr32as they are two files which are entirely different.) So this virus has struck your computer or external storage and you’v found out you can’t open or run those shortcut, what can you do?

This tutorial deals with this really good, not overly technical for non technical readers to get confused it’s simple and easy to implement read on and apply this tips so that you’ll fix this virus shortcut problems on you computer and storage devices.

Ways to Get Rid of Shortcut viruses on Removable devices and Computer

There are two ways here either you download softwares which are created for just this purpose or you become a software and do it yourself. Lets talk about the first way which is downloading softwares, you can download this softwares to help you kill this shortcut viruses once and for all.

Before downloading this software maybe you should just update your existing anti-virus. Alright here is a list of anti-virus that will help you and your computer take care of this virus for good.
Wnload Combofix shortcut remove”
autorun exterminator
smadav shortcut virus remover. Download any one then follow the instructions on their site.

Second way is a bit technical, it can also be called manual way.

Steps to remove shortcut virus on Computer and RD

step 1. Insert whichever drive is infected by this virus into your Pc and check the drive’s extension that is A: to Z: from ‘My Computer’ ClickStart » Run / Winkey+R and type cmd in the textbox provided, then press Enter.

2. Copy and paste the code below into the command prompt and press ‘Enter’. attrib -h -r -s /s /d E:*.*(Change E: to your drive’s extension.)

3. Next is to,check and confirm whether this virus has been completely cleared off. If you succeed good for you, if you didn’t there is another manual alternative

4. Find and locate control panel and untick“Hide protected operating system files”or you use the search box, in the Start menu,

Go now to “C:WindowsSystem32” and manually deleteregsvr

5. If you can’t find the file in System32, then try locating it in “C:program files”If you still didn’t find it there, then try looking for it in the “Processes”tab in Task Manager

With all this options open for you, you can now remove that shortcut virus to avoid corrupting your files.

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