Top 5 Freemason Rings And Its Significance

When it comes to this Freemason organization we learn a great deal on how they operate, their ranks and hierarchy, from their rings. When it comes to beliefs, it’s members believe that they are the oldest organized fraternity in the world, which may be true considering that this movement started during the Middle Ages, a long time ago.


Unlike it counterpart like the Illuminati order, Freemason believes in God, they also attend churches, but they don’t discuss religion or Christianity during their meetings. They keep that part of their lives separate. They hold each other in high esteem, so no matter how high or low each of their members is ranked they are still respected.


Freemasons are almost in all countries of the world including the conservative countries like the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, even as far as Iran in the Middle East. They may not have come up to admit it, but if one digs deeper you will see



The Rings


When it comes to symbols their top symbol is the Masonic rings amongst other things. These rings add swag and style to a Masonic member, even non-members love those rings too as they are stylish, with some of the rings inspired by a top president like former US president George Washington.



Types of Freemason rings And Its Uses


As wars, famine, diseases raged on during that period late in the Middle Ages, people started looking for solutions, many turned to the Freemasons who are offering protection from evil oppressors once one becomes a member. People joined but not for free, as each member is required to pay a small token annually for membership.

As membership grew they decided on a way to identify each and every member and so many symbols like hand sign, handshakes, and rings were introduced. Later this ring and their various designs served as a way to distinguish members according to rank.


Right now not everyone that wears a freemason ring is a freemason member, as the rings replica can now be gotten freely online. So you can identify with them but you need to be a register or her invited to join up.

The Domineering Vinta freemason ring

1. The Domineering Vinta Check it out

The Domineering Vinta is one of the oldest Masonic rings on Earth, this ring was worn by some former US president years back.

The ring was designed in 1350 in what is now known as Paris France using the big capital G as the main alphabet in the design, just in the middle of the Masonic square and compass. The G stands for God in the case of Christians, for others, it stands for the almighty.

This ring was worn by top members, members with the rank of Master masons.

The Domineering ring Vinta Uses

During the middle ages, the domineering Vinta masonic ring served as a means of identification. Once you wear it, travel to anywhere once a Mason sees it, he will instantly recognize you and your rank, and so whatever services you ask of them will be rendered to you.

It isn’t just for identification it is also for protection against many physical things, like robbery, assassination, etc as most of the people in that line of business were Masonic. But as the years went by some people started associating it with having spiritual power to protect.


The Masonic Skull Ring

  1.  The Masonic Skull Ring, check it out

This type of ring is worn by the Masonic soldiers or protectors, you can also call them bodyguards as what they do is make sure no member is harmed or abused physically.

These soldiers were first recruited during the late Middle Ages as war and its companion lawless society become the order of the day, these Masonic soldiers served were used extensively by Master masons. Later as the rings were introduced, the skull ring was given to them. Later many masonic “hitmen” adopted this as their own.

The Masonic Skull Ring uses

The major use for this ring is just for identification, just like a police officer will use his ID card to identify his profession, name, and rank, that is the purpose the ring serves.

The Master Mason Ring (mordern)
The Master Mason Ring (modern)
  1. The Master Mason Ring (modern) check it out

There are two rings now worn by Master masons currently, this is one is the old version, designed and produced in the middle 20th century, it was produced to replace the Domineering Vinta, it didn’t as some Master mason still liked the first one.

This ring serves the same purpose with the Domineering Vinta, to help identify the rank of a Master.  Except this one has a different design as it is engraved with diamonds.

The Free and Accepted Masons ring (F&M)

  1. The Free and Accepted Masons ring (F&M) Check it out

The most commonly used ring, as it is usually available to everyone, this means even if you are not a member you can still wear it, provided that you are aspiring to become a member.

This ring is worn mainly by those in the Apprentice rank, it is also worn by friends of the Freemason confraternity.


It shows that one has at the least been accepted as an Apprentice.

Masonic Man Ring
Masonic Man Ring
  1. Masonic Man Ring check it out


This was designed for those that love and value luxury, this ring does not carry any rank, it is just for style. The rich middle-class Freemasons love to wear expensive things.

You can watch the video if you prefer the video.


  1. Pingback: Locating the Great Free Mason Ring to Show People

  2. Chigo1

    It sounds pretty good as long as the rings are restricted to only member of mosanic.

  3. Gladson divine

    No matter how people might glorify freemason ,to me I see it as secret cult, let’s call right even if people are against it and call wrong wrong even if people are for it.
    It is not right for some one to start putting on ring for protection when God is the protector

  4. Adeh Unity

    It’s really nice and wonderful.

  5. Abraham

    Very helpful for someone that need it

  6. I am always scared of these rings because I know it can be gotten with a lot of sacrifice.

  7. Umukorol

    Great idea it really good for people to know this vary helpful

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