How Can I Remove Internet Helper Toolbar from Computers?

The Internet helper toolbar can be said to be an internet-browser virus, as it works like one. A situation where if this software is installed on your computer, it re-creates what you’ve created, re-pick what you’ve picked infact it literally take out your preferences and sets its own.

When this software is installed in your computer, , it modifies your Internet search settings, it changes your Internet home page to its own Conduitsearch engine which performs browsing redirects when you search, it redirects to displays which shows advertisement from unknown sources.

So how do I avoid installing Internet helper?

To avoid this type of software, you generally have to avoid downloading untrusted softwares, from unknown or shady vendors. Why you might ask? Know one bearing in mind what would happen to his/her PC would normally what to install Internet helper community toolbar. So it means it comes with what people desire what you really need and wants to install. It’s bundled with useful softwares like games, add ons, browsers etc, most of which are free, infact almost all are free. Hence the need for getting softwares from trusted vendors.

Have your system been infected, and you want to uninstall it? If yes then here is how to uninstall it, but first know how to avoid it incase of future occurance.

How to avoid installing internet helper

This is pretty simple and forward though I’ve mentioned it in passing, try to avoid this things.
i. Avoid downloading shady softwares.
ii. Avoid getting your softwares from unknown or untrusted vendors and brand.
iii. Avoid those free stuffs, if you must download them then inspect them properly. Generally that’s all you have to do, but mostly trust your gut as those hunches you might have, is best giving attention to.

How can I remove Internet helper from my computer

Follow the procedure below
1. Go to Start > Control Panel. On windows XP
2.Double click to open, chose “add or Remove Programs” for Windows XP or “Programs and Features” if you use Windows 8, 7 or Vista.
3. In the list, find and Remove/Uninstall these applications select Internet helper Toolbar, Uninstall any other application installed from “Conduit” publisher.

Remove Internet helper search and the helper toolbar from browser settings.

You’ve successfully uninstalled the internet helper itself it now remains removing the settings, from your browser.

This could be a little tricky as there is no general tutorial internet helper browser solution, however it generally involves deleting the searchconduit engine and typing or, which could be found on the general internet options > Tools > General in Internet Explorer. On google Chrome browser just goto settings > on start up > set pages then the delete the helper app. Then goto search and chose manage search engine > chose your default and save. Remove Internet helper by pressing X.

Remove Internet helper on Mozilla

Click on Firefox menu button on the top left of Firefox window, go to > Options 2. Locate > general tab and delete the web address page from home Page box, then type your preferred Homepage which could be then input ok.
3. From Firefox menu, go to > tools > Manage Add-ons > Choose > extensions on the left, make sure “Internet helper extension is not there, if it’s there you’ll know by (internet helper extension exist) then press the remove key
5. Choose > plugins on the left and > Disable the > conduit Plugin found. Close all Firefoxwindows and then restart the computer to save settings and for it to be in effect.

Happy trouble-free computer as the main thing that’s making it stumble is no longer there. If you have any problem ask me, otherwise help others find this by sharing it as the more people that’s aware of this article the less trouble, and less headache. Be sure to help out you never know…


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