How much can you make blogging in Nigeria

how much can you make blogging in Nigeria
As a Nigerian, or you live in Nigeria you might be considering starting online business, better still starting a blog or website wait a minute I caught you there, you may be wondering whether to start a blog or website well read this

Blogging for beginners

Back to the matter how much can a blogger make money in Nigeria? $100-16,000 naira or more a month? A day? A week? Well it all depends on the blogger, but in other to make money blogging you need to read and apply this simple steps

1. Know what you’re going into.

First of all before you go into any business internet or offline you need to study and learn what you’re going into, you need to know how much you need, what you need, and how to go about it. This includes knowing what a blog is, blog hosting platforms, prices and other things, if you’re a beginner or you are just starting please read Blogging for beginners

2. Chose your Niche

when you’ve read all things about blogging, and you are now conviced about starting a blog, then the next step is to chose a niche to write on.

What is a niche?

A niche in blogging is simply a topic or category a blogger choses to write on or to blog about, chosing a niche is very important in blogging, it helps you target readers, be organized in what you blog about, and it helps increase your blogs traffic. You might ask “why do I’ve to chose a niche to write on?” unless you are not blogging in other to make money you can blog about anything, but if you are in it to make money then you need to chose a niche to blog on, making money in blogging is like pleasing others and displeasing yourself, you blog for others. Not just any niches will do, if you want to make money you need to blog on a hot niche, because thats what people are searching for
Here are list of hot niches to write on both Nigeria and general
* Tech
Money matters
Dating and others.

2. Target your audience

In other to make money blogging in Nigeria you need to target your audience, consider the readers what geographical location will you want the majority of your blogs visitors coming from? Once you’ve established your audience, then you start building your blog on that you targeted audience, one way you can that is through the articles you write, for instance this post is written to attract Nigerians only, though others may read it but compared to Nigerians they are just minor.

3. Drive traffic to your blog

If you want to succeed in blogging you need traffic, that is visitors lots and lots of them. Without visitors you can’t make money blogging. There are various ways to drive traffic to your blog, they are:

* Through social media- Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc can help you get visitors.

* Through forums

* Through guest post- blogging for other niche related sites and others.

How much can a Nigerian blogger make the calculation

Now for a blog that gets 3500 visitors daily that blog will make a minimum of $100
* 6500 visitors equals $200 and so on, convert those to naira. Note some do make more than that, there  are those who make millions of naira off there blog.

4. Use ad networks to make money

You’ve set up your blog, you are getting visitors, the next step is to do what you initially want to do that is making money. In other to make money you need to use advertisment i.e ad networks. Advertising networks in full are websites created to help you monitize you blog, the best and leading ad provider is Adsense which is owned by google.

For more on advertising networks head over to my other blog read make money with this ads on your blog

If you follow this steps there is no way you wont smile to the bank every month, but remember the most important thing is getting visitors to your blog.


  1. thank you my man for the knowledge…i just started this blog, ,with the niche focused on engineers please can i make money with if i should have upto 300 post..currently Google analystic shows 300 visitors per month

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