How To Download UC Web Browser

how to download ucweb

UC browser is an app developed specifically for browsing the internet, apart from it’s primary function of surfing the net it has many other supporting feature that all collectively make the app a most have for mobile users.

Ucweb as it’s called by some is a remarkable browser as it can surf mobile and even PC website faster than even Opera mini. What it can do is awesome its features are amazing really it’s not just for the Android or Symbian users but for Java and Blackberry users.

The history of UC web browser can’t be complete without mentioning that it’s an Indian app. It’s an international browser owned by indians with lots of local contents.

Features of Ucweb browser

1. Clipboard space: Uc has a clipboard space that is 5000 characters strong, what is clipboard? This is a space on an app that stores copied information it works like notepad on windows computer. This is what UCweb has. With this you use it copy post from a written post you fancy, like facebook status update, trending news, etc. You can access the clipboard function by menu > tools >clipboard. To copy items goto menu > tools >select text.

2. Local and Foreign contents This app comes with many contents you’ll enjoy. It’s specific to country users i.e if you’re from US contents that will be there will be mainly US oriented same goes with Nigeria India etc. It has many link categories like the top sites, download sites for downloads, sports sites, news (country specific) etc.

3. Tab switch It’s ability of switching different is amazing as it’s just like a mozilla browser, with UC you can switch from one tab to the other (what is tab switching? This means jumping from one website to the other without losing current browsing). Depending on type of mobile you can press to switch to any tab or press #6 to close it. You can find more about shortcut keys by going to menu > shortcut, you either set yours of leave it like that.

4. Internet download manager It has it’s own powerful internet download manager with pause/resume and reak time showing of data consumed, for downloading files on-net.

5. Youtube video watching Latest version of UC now supports Youtube videos, you can now watch your favourite videos on the go with this app.

You see there are many features, which I haven’t even touched is it the ability of configuring UC so that it can browse for free? Is it the ability of hidding ip while browsing.

So download UC browser

1. Java Type it’s web address on your dafault browser or follow this link select the latest version 9.4 as of now download and install.

2. Symbian phones Follow the same procedure, chose a Symbian specific type and install, then launch it at once.

3. Android phones Follow the steps above download it, launch it and allow it to install.

4. Blackberry phones Go to browser type uc web address above, it’ll auto detect the device and the version that is good for it, you just have to download and install it.

There are many reasons of downloading and using UC web browser which I may not have mentioned but this are basically the main reason. Reasons ability to open any website even blogger, wordpress albeit not 100 %, has it’s own forum to dicuss things, occasionally give aways like prizes on smartphones, tablets. And millions of users worldwide.

Do you have Ucweb on your mobile phone, if so have you enjoyed it? If you haven’t why do you have any problem with it, if you have ask me via the comment form otherwise subscribe with your email ID or join us on Facebook


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