How To Fix Facetime Not Connecting Error

If your Facetime app is not connecting, always having an error when you try to connect it.
Here are what you need to do, since it had to do with connection issue, you need to first rule out connection problem.
Image result for Not Connecting
1. Check your Wi-Fi and mobile connection
Test out your Internet by browsing. If you can’t access your internet know that your connection is either not right or you don’t have data subscription. But sometimes your connection may be right.
Sometimes this error could be from their end. So what I need you to do is to use a combination of Apple’s official site and third party.
Apple system status page ( by  Apple, this  System Status site will give you up-to-date information about the status of FaceTime along with other Apple services such as iMessage, the App Store, and Apple Music. 
Sometimes this service may not be available in your locality in this case use  third pary app like, which provides a graph and map of 24 hours, which you can use to see whether your area is affected.
Once you determine that, it is not from their server, move on to the next step.
– Now to check your connection proper. 
Tap Settings √ Wi-Fi on an iOS device and System Preferences √ Network on Mac OS X and check that your device settings correspond to those on your local router.
Most phone networks also allow FaceTime over cellular, so check Settings √ Mobile data on both the iPad and iPhone if you wanted to use your data connection to make a call.

2. Update software.
Your software maybe outdated, that is why you may be experincing this connection error.
Check whether you have the latest version of iOS, by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
Then update.
3. Off and On
Sometimes your Facetime may be Off, so check whether it is Off by going to your iOS device, tap on Settings √ FaceTime and set the FaceTime switch to On, if it is Off.
This also applies to when you get the ‘Waiting for Activation’ error message just Off and On it.
4. Also check your Date and Time, if they are not correct Facetime won’t work.


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