How To Get Views On Topbuzz And Make $100+ A Day

If you are on Topbuzz chances are you’ve made money already even if it is $0.001, once you register and upload some videos you’ll make some money. 
The problem is how to maximize this money, how to move from peanuts to making it big on Topbuzz, to how scale it up.
How To Get Views On Topbuzz And Make $100+ A Day
With this strategy I’ll show how me and my team members are making more than $100 a day on Topbuzz uploading videos and answering questions.
But first let me give a low down for those who don’t know what Topbuzz is all about.

About Topbuzz

Topbuzz is a major YouTube alternative with some useful functionalities that YouTube doesn’t have. 
On this platform you get to upload your videos and monetize them, the system optimizes the video the amount of views will determine how much you’ll earn. There is no limit to how much you can earn provided you get lots of views.
Apart from earning from videos can also from writing articles, asking and answering questions and even through gifs.
You need to sign up now if you haven’t already, don’t even need to own the videos you’re uploading, can download it off anywhere. Though originality is encouraged it is not a  must.
So back to how you can make 100 dollars a day on Topbuzz
– First of all, you need to register a new account if you already have an account ditch it since it is not making any money.
– Register a new Topbuzz account with only this Link ( that is from an enabled account, you’ll instantly start earning, you’ll also have support in case of any questions.)
How To Get Views On Topbuzz And Make $100+ A Day
Use Facebook or Twitter to register.
– If that is done set your profile to female, with a sexy but decent dress (to get attention and followers)


– This involves knowing what, how and when to post or upload videos.
What to upload or write about
Check this out, 
How To Get Views On Topbuzz And Make $100+ A Day
one is a video the other one is an article they have all gone viral with lots of comments and what do they have in common?
– Despite that they are different they share many similarities. 
i. They all entertainment based, people want to be entertained 
ii. Check the titles, it does not give out the details if the whole post, it entices people to click first before you can get the full gust. 
iii. It used thumbnails and photos effectively, mainly looking at the video’s thumbnail you’ll be moved to click to find out more.
– Make your title catchy, not too long it should not contain too many details.
– Upload entertaining videos be it comedy, shocking videos, celebrity videos, individual vs official videos, motivational videos. Videos people laugh or cry when they watch it. Same applies to articles you need content that will make people react bad or good.
– Pick appropriate pictures for your thumbnails and post,  pictures help draw peoples attention faster.

When time to post

80% of Topbuzz users come from America, so depending on where you are posting from you have to time your post to correspond to their time zone.
Most US users open Topbuzz on 3 occasion
Early in the morning 6 – 8 am 
During break time 1- 3 pm 
In the evenings 6 am – 12 am and 4 am – (best time) this has more to do with the fact that the college campus has students who may be watching videos late at night.
Depending on your content know when to post to correspond with US time zone.
For example, if you are posting from Africa West Africa to be precise post around 10 pm to 1 am, 1 am equals 8 am in most States in the US.

Article/Video length

Keep it short and interesting a minimum of 100words to 600 words maximum. 
With appropriate format especially on paragraphs and punctuations.
People are skimming contents these days they are not reading them. A long article or video is a turn off for them unless that content is super interesting.

Days to post 

People believe that weekends are the best, no they are not.
The best days to post your contents are weekdays, yes Monday till Friday.
This is because of how Topbuzz app is built, it has a notification function that notifies the user whenever someone post an interesting content, just like Facebook notifications, people usually click on this notifications to take a snick pick on what the post is all about, then close the app afterward. 
On weekends most US citizens tend to shut off some social media distractions to spend time with their families, going to the cinemas, watching sports, going on holiday or picnic and attending religious activities, this leaves them little chance to open Topbuzz.

Getting your post on the notification function

One thing with Topbuzz even you have zero followers you can still get thousands of views on your contents when your contents get recommended to users via notification.
To get that notification function your account has to solid, to make it solid is not difficult just register with the above registration link and follow the account.

How many post?

As many as possible, post at least 10 videos a day along with as many articles. 
If you do all this thing I guarantee that you’ll reach cash out threshold at the end of 31 days from registration.
You’ll cash out alright, but you might not make mind-blowing figures, to make this type of money you need to be on the inside, not every strategy is posted in the open. Join our team for free and get strategy straight to your Facebook inbox, join via messenger.
How To Get Views On Topbuzz And Make $100+ A Day
If you really want to make something like this, join now 


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