How To Make Creative Facebook Cover Photos For Your Profile

Making your pictures stand out from the host of pictures that are on Facebook, should be your priority if you really are creative and want to stand out from the crowd. If you are one who loves anything branded then you’d best brand your Facebook photos, branding your photos involves creativity and that extra touch that will bring out your personal brand, which means all of your profile and timeline pictures bears a unique mark of you which every one that come to know you, will recognize even when that image is not of you, they will actually know that picture was designed by you, best of all doing this is free! You don’t have to worry about payments unless you want to pay.

So I’m going to show you the easy way to create and design Facebook profile pictures that will bear your mark. This Facebook tutorial will help you know the tools that will do the following to your images
– Add beautiful frames to your images
– Add different colours to your fb timeline photos, you can even do colour combination
– Clear your image’s dark spot and pimples
– Filter your images, crop your pictures, remove unwanted things from the picture.
– Draw or select your own personal mark that will serve as your brand.

What this tools can do are many, bringing them out here is like trying to fill a shopping basket with water, unlike my previous post on creating Facebook cover photos online that offers only one way to do that. This free online tools are up to 5, many options to choose from, and use to bring out your creativity.

Steps to creating easy Fb creative images

The step are not many infact it’s only 3 steps
Step 1. Follow the link Follow this link to access the list of online picture creative & editing tools that you’ll use to design your Fb pictures. They are 5 so you have to choose

Step 2. Decide and Start Pick the one that best suits you, once you’ve decided don’t waste time just go and start creating

Step 3. Download & Upload When you’ve finished, just download it to your system, log on to Facebook and upload it, set either as profile picture or as timeline photo, or you could simply share it with friends. You’ll be amazed on how many likes and comments you’ll get especially if you have many friends, and if your picture is designed properly.

Welcome back! How was the ride? Hope you picked enough information about this topic to get you started on designing your own pictures. The beauty of this, is it’s not mearnt only for fb, you can upload it to Twitter, Google plus, or any other social network. You can see my own Facebook pictures here on my fb wall

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