Palo Alto California The Facebook Bot That Keeps Visiting Blogs

Have you seen any Facebook bot on your blog’s stats lately? I mean the one that comes from Palo Alto, California U.S.A, with Ip address simply Facebook. If you have then don’t fret, Facebook has decided to check your blog out.

For many web trackers like Statscounter such visits are always familiar and occurs almost regularly, but have you paused and given a thought to why Facebook is visiting your blog? Why they are always snopping around many website on the internet, what are they really finding there?

Your blog is on the Internet

It’s important you know that any thing that is on-net, is here for people and bots. Since your blog is on the internet expect all manner of bots to come visit your site as a public thing is out there for everyone to visit and see. Amongst them is this Facebook bot that visits sites via its Palo Alto,California head office.

Judging by their pattern of visits, they are on your blog or website, because they want to check you out to really know what you are doing, what your site is all about and many other factors, they don’t just come to your site without invitation, as they are human-built with this aspect of respect, they respect you and your privacy, that is why they don’t come to your site uninvited, this rules random visits out. So how do I invite them?

Ways Facebook bot could be invited

Although they won’t visit your site if they are not invited, which is good. On the other hand, they are not that good when you consider that they really don’t mind how they are invited.
1. Facebook Shares Fb bots are or web-robots are invited whenever you share a link from your site to Facebook, it also happens whenever a visitor uses the share button.
2. Facebook mentions If you mention Facebook on your article, that alone is enough for its bot to come and check that article. And so mentioning its name is like calling the bot to come.
3. Facebook page/group Facebooks pages and groups can also prompt this bot to visit your site, more especially if your blog’s url is in those pages/groups. As long as your links remain there they are bound to visit you site.

Why are they visiting?

There are a number of many possible explanations, but the majority of this Palto visits comes from invitation like I said before, invitation is mainly done with a url pointing to your blog. When you invite Facebook through this means they will come to check out that page and its contents to learn whether it’s good or not good for general consumption of every reader that’s on Facebook since your blog’s address was shared there. So their main focus is to check your blog, nothing else, as it won’t impact your site’s ranking you have nothing to fear. Besides I’m yet to hear of Facebook blacklisting any individual owned website, I bet you haven’t also. All in all such visits are good, which in itself does not inspire fear unlike Google’s Mountain view visits.


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