Top Places to Ask Questions And Get Answers Fast

Have you wondered where you could ask questions and get answers fast? Maybe you have this question that is bothering you, you can’t ask it to your real friends or your parents since the question is private, you wish you could ask it to some one who knows the answer but don’t know you. The solution? Ask the Internet! There are many experts who are happy to answer such questions, and the beauty of it? They won’t know you as you won’t know them. This helps keep what you want private private.

And then? Since you are online you might as well make use of the internet to ask questions, actually it’s one thing to know you could ask questions online and is another thing to know, where, how and which websites to ask it, and then what type of people will reply your questions. This post will deal with best online sites to ask questions and actually get answers fast.

List of top sites to ask questions and answer questions

1. Yahoo answers is a top question and answer website, where users come to ask questions from the most basic questions to the most difficult questions, the site has many users to the extent that all questions are always answered, perhaps it be said that people just rove-round Yahooanswers in search of questions to answer as I don’t see any other reason why questions are answered as fast as 30 seconds. In terms of creadiblity yahooanswer has a pass mark as there are many expert there, don’t forget Yahoo answer is powered by Yahoo inc, which includes Yahoomail, so it attracts a lot of expert and non-expert too, just use discernment to pick out good ones.

2. Second on the list here is Ask, which is a very popular community based question-answer platform. It is similar with YA, but since it is a different website it has its own feel and little little things that makes it stand out. Answers from here are point blank solutions according to many members, so you might just try them out. Users here are fun to interact with, it has many categories to post your questions or answer people’s questions.

3. Google Ironically Google can answer questions! Chances are you found Internet helper via Google. What is reall good about Google is it’s fast, so fast that it could find what you are looking for immediately, not just one but hundreds and thousands! However to help you chose well the best answers are always on the first page which may include only 6-10 link answers. Just type any questions in your browser’s tab that has google and hit enter, the answers sorry the link to the answers, will be displayed on your screen right that instant

4. Yahoo/Bing There is a reason this trio are called popular search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing), their ability to return answers is amazing! This days there is not much difference between Yahoo and Bing as Yahoo has become Bing and Bing has become Yahoo, they have merged and are now desame. This two work much like Google infact they work like Google as Google search alternatives.

5. Facebook How many of you know that Facebook answers questions? Yes they do if you know how to go about it. Just search for any group that fits the question you want to ask, when you find it post the question there and answers will start pouring in. You don’t really have to join any group as there are groups which are open, while posting your questions, make sure such groups have appreciatable number of users, as the main characteristics of question-answer sites are its users, more users more answers.

5. Youtube Youtube is another site that answers questions, unlike the others which is text based Youtube answers questions through the use of virtuals, put simply videos. It is a video based site where all manners of videos are uploaded by users, many of them are very useful as they answers questions.

This are top sites that you could go and ask whatever questions you have and actually get them answers, sometimes they are better than textbooks!


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