2 Easy Steps To Change Computer’s Password Without The Old One

change passwords without the old one

Hy I can change my computer’s password so why do I need this? Answer : Without this you can’t change a forgotten password or over ride a computers password, got your attention now?

There are various reasons why we may need this tutorial, those reasons can range from; forgotten passwords, user administration password problems, the kick you get of doing this sort of thing especially to the uknown owner, or simply testing it to know whether it works or not.

Imagine the scenerios where you try; to log in to a friend’s computer and you can’t simply because the system is passworded, or you forgot your computer’s password and can’t logout because of that. Or you simply want to change your windows password but you don’t know the new one, how then can you change your password without knowing the old one.

The steps to change the passwords are simple, even if you’re not a computer saavy person you can do it, provided you stick to the instructions and recognize the two various programe we are going to use. Actually it’s one considering the “Start” tab is not a programe rather it’s a shortcut. This involves changing an administrator password to your prefered one, when I mean admin password I mean forgotten or uknown passwords. You’ll also need to know the various user account the computer has, so that you’ll know which one you’ll change.

Now you need to goto the windows environment once there follow this steps. First view windows user account

How To Check user accounts

Step 1. ¤ Start à Run àThen type ‘CMD’ without quotes.
* In the command prompt window, type ‘cmd net users’ again without quotes. This will show you the user account on that computer including hidden accounts if there are any. First step is concluded second step is to change the passwords proper.

Step 2 : Change passwords without knowing old one ¤ Locate the Start tab usually at the buttom right corner click it, locate Run and click type “CMD”
¤ *.In the command prompt window type ‘net user’ space ‘the name of the account’ then * and press enter. Example: net user administrator * or net user “internet helper” *. (if it contains spaces, put those names in quotes.)
¤ It will then ask you to enter new password. Type the your new password, and re-enter the same password again to confirm it.
¤ you’ll then get a success message, saying you’ve changed the password.

Note, although you can override the administrative password when logged in to a computer that has administrative rights, however it’s advised you use another user account to do this especially if the computer is not your own, as it won’t be noticed since you’ll be logging in with that password you created into an account other than the admin. This is particularly good in the case of changing a cyber cafè’s password in other to browse free.

Hope it worked! Give us a like on Facebook will you, and please share because the more people reading this the more tutorials that’s gonna come up. Learn the habit of sharing not just in christmas but all year round.


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