Download BBM For Windows Phone Now Beta

BBM for Windows

Finally the long awaited BBM has now been made available for Windows, I wrote a complete tutorial on how to download BBM on Windows Phone ealier, that tutorial involves waiting and hasns’t come full cycle, but with the this post it’s now completed.

This beta app feature all basic BBM features such as Feeds, Contacts and Chat. Blackberry announced that features such as stickers, BBM Voice, Channels, and Location Sharing are expected in the coming months.

They are focused on introducing Windows Phone users the experience in sharing in the moment through the immediacy and privacy offered by BBM. Users can engage in BBM Chats with one or many contacts, it also has the ability to share pictures, voice notes, contacts and location.

If this can do all this why is it a beta? If you’re reasoning along that line, just know that Beta’s are limited, they are first released to test run something, so no matter the features Beta’s can be shut down or upgraded, depending on results.

Meanwhile you can go ahead and download the beta version from the store HERE


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