How To Delete Someone On Tinder Easily

Deleting someone not just any person but a particular individual from your Tinder account may not be officially known but you can do it if you put your mind to it is not as difficult nor as easy, it depends on how you understand the world delete. 
– Log in to your account, locate the swiping screen if you’re not there already, tap the flame shaped icon to get there.
– Go the message inbox by
tapping the Messages icon at the top of the screen, this looks like a speech bubble. Scroll down and find the person you want to delete. open the message thread by tapping.
– Open the more button option by Tapping it, This “more” button looks like three vertical dots arranged in a pattern. After touching it, a small sub menu with “Unmatch” and “Report” options will appear.
– After selecting “Unmatch,” you’ll be asked to confirm your decision. Tap “Unmatch” again to finish.
On the other hand we have the report button, this button is used when you’re not satisfied with just deleting someone, maybe you feel that someone deserve to go out of Tinder entirely either because he or she is creepy, or dishonest. Just use the report option to do that.
Unmatching a person from Tinder is the same thing as deleting or blocking that person as you’ll not be able  to undo it. It is important to note the below.
After deleting
– You will not see this person on your swipe screen again.
– This person will not be able to send you any more messages, even if they have already done so.
– You will not be able to send any
messages to this person.
– Both you and the person you delete will be unable to read your previous
– The message thread will
disappear from both of your inboxes.
This is how to delete a particular person from your Tinder account, simple and easy you just have to use what they provide to solve your problem.


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