Simple Way To Make Whatsapp Free Forever on All Smartphones

This is really easy and it won’t be considered cheating because the process is just plain simple and fully supported by WhatsApp. Legally clean and guaranteed to work.

But if you have the money please pay, we are fortunate that WhatsApp charges such a small annual fee for this great service.

With this two ridiculous simple methods you’ll make your Whatsapp free. It doesn’t matter if it is about to expire or have already expired, what matters is you’ll be able to get your WhatsApp account back without stress.

How to do this is simple, you just have to do the following

First Method

The first method involve deleting your WhatsApp account the safe way. This creates an illusion that your expired account is out of there system.

– Delete your WhatsApp account To this Open your WhatsApp and navigate to Settings } Account } Delete My Account

– Enter your mobile number in the blank and Tap on Delete my account button and confirm it. you’ve just deleted your account.

– Next is to create your new account for Whatsapp messenger as you’ve done before.

– Next check the last expiry date of new whatsapp free trial by going to WhatsApp Settings } Account } Payment Info. You’ll see that your WhatsApp free trial have been extended.

The second Method is just to simply do the following

– Completely uninstall Whatsapp messenger from your smartphone.

– Re install it again from your appropriate app store. that is Plays store for Android

– Create your account, you’ll get your free trial.

Works on all smart phones including Android and iOS – iPhone and iPad.


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