How To Download BBM To Windows Phones

download BBM For Windows Directly.BBM for Windows

Hurray! For some people who are waiting and dying to make use of BBM on their Windows phone, thank your God, you’re now in luck, Blackberry has decided to copy BBM from Blackberry, Android and iOS and paste to Windows, this actually may be old news.

So it’s no longer news that Blackberry has added Windows device to their ever growing list of mobile phone platforms that they support, but what should be news is how to keep up, and possibly avoid the rush hour and be among the first to download and install Blackberry messenger on your device when it eventually goes download-viral. This post will teach you how to fix your Windows phone to download and install BBM via attention.

I know you know what BBM as a whole is, what it does and its features, but do you know what Windows BBM can do? Whether its features are different and awesome or just some minor improvement. Well, well well, the productivity of every good app is its features afterall the taste of a pudding is in the eating. So lets taste this new BBM app before we decide to eat it, shall we? O yes we shall.

BBM Features

TheChats:Instant BBM Chats, with a Multi-Chat option, and receive real-time confirmations when messages are delivered and read, the Ds & Rs.

Personalize it: Create a profile that can be easily personalized with profile pictures/avatars and status updates that contacts can see in the Updates area of BBM

Groups: With this BBM Groups, not less than 50 people can be added to the conversation. You can now share photos, chat and schedules with even more friends

BBM Voice: Now you can make Free voice calls between BBM supported contacts namely on Windows Phone, Nokia X, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry anywhere in the world using data or WiFi connection.

Channels: With BBM channels you can now converse between people, brands and communities. Even create a BBM channel to share thoughts, ideas and passions. Or, become part of a channel by subscribing to a channel to join conversations with others who have shared interests.

Sharing: Sharing have become one-click, so users on supported devices have access to fast one-click sharing of photos, documents, voice notes and more.

Emoticons: New Emoticons have now been added to the already existing ones. They now have over 100 new emoticons to help people say what they mean and make their point in a fun and visual way.

Alright we’ve all seen what this BBM can do, so a device like Nokia Lumia will soon enjoy this wonderful chat experience. Now how can we taste it I mean download it? This is simple and easy, just make sure you follow the steps.

1. Visit Windows special site delivered by Microsoft.
2. Bookmark them and then visit the store once in a while or once every day. (Attention is needed)

To be honest, if you wonna beat the record (your record) and become the first person to install BBM on your Windows, you need to make some sacrifice, and the only sacrifice you’re required to make is a trip to Windows mobile store as often as you can make it, which requires you pay attention.

Have any questions, comments or suggestion about this new BBM app? Post it here I’ll take it and answer it. You can help your friends “get ready” by sharing using the share buttons.


  1. Thanks for pointing it, I've just checked, they taken it down due to technical details, but stay tunned they will soon make it available for download

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