How To Monetize Your Email List With Ad Network Advertisers

Just as Adsense, Chitika and co are focused primarily on providing web and mobile based advertising only, providing lots of competition is the lesser known CPC/CPM ad networks like Bidverstiser, Clicksore and others. Because of this competition lot’s of ad networks are already folding up as they can’t compete with the likes of Adsense and Medianet.

Though many are out of business like Adbrite others have found a way to stay in business or improve their services, they simply have changed tactics and start providing ads for adverts on email list. With this ad networks no need to own blogs or website to make money, sorry you need to get email opt-ins by other way if you don’t fancy having a blog or website, maybe through an app. Done rightly you could earn a lot even more than you’re currently making with ad units on your blog, Which simply means that this email ad networks provides advertisers for you, unlike mobile ad networks or web based advertizing which pays based on amount traffic to your contents the ideal formular for this method is more traffic equals more revenue, this email advertising solution pays for non of that, they are subscriber based, how many subscribers you have in your email list is what matters, more email subscribers more revenue.

How they work

Majority of this email ad networks, requires a registration, which is free, put in the landing page address of any site you used to collect the address from, submit wait for 2-3 business days for them to check it. Before you’re accepted your email list must meet their minimum quality criteria.

Knowing the basic to this subject is the key to earning from it, so we are going to start from the basics and work our way up, this post benefits everyone frome the average starter/beginner to people who know, don’t be suprised if you’re familiar with the first steps, just skip them or read them again you might pick a trick you missed.

Steps to start email earning

The first step is to create an email list proper, you can do this through your blog or website, or just add an opt in form the simplest and easiest to use is Feedburner email list form. Or simply build an app with an opt in option. Which ever you choose just make sure you have working email addresses you can use mailchimp or any other email list provider to collect the emails into managable bits for easier sending.

2. Choose an Email list provider The second most important thing is to choose a provider, you’ve to be careful in who you choose just like choosing a service carrier for you mobile phone, the quality you get is determined by who you choose. I use Mailchimp the free version you can also find other free mail providers online.

3. Select your ad provider This is the last but not the least step, once you’ve set up your list, it’s now time to monetize it proper, you can use a combination of direct advertising and third party adverts, or each one of them. It’s easier to monetize your email list through ad networks (third party ads) that going for direct adverts. It takes a very high email list of about 1000-10,000+ list for a good advertiser to even take a look at you. Here is the email ad networks


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