Warning! Adsense Is Dangerous

Don’t jump from frying pan to fire! Be careful. Have you ever had a feeling that what you’re doing is not right? A feeling about something amiss in your blog, despite everything being in order, if you have then, it might be the “good Adsense” that is causing that sensation, that’s if you use it. I use this network in this blog so I know what I’m talking about, this serves as the down side of Adsense, it’s the disadvantages of using this ad network on your site, this disadvantages is what makes google adsense dangerous.

Dangerous in what sense?

Dangerous ad network

You run the risk of the following
1. Time wasted It stuants your growth, the time spent in trying to get approval, you can spend it writing articles and improving your blog. Some typically spend a year trying to get approval yet to no avail. That year could give your blog a good boast, including your overall article ratings, pagerank increase, and good performance in SERP. To you it’s a year wasted, tweeking and twisting your blog/contents to suit google’s adsense policies yet to no avail. For quicker approval I suggest you read a good pre-adsense quick approval tips. You’ll compromise your blog’s well-being running after adsense, very dangerous before you get back to where you were others have overtaken you.

Low Revenue If you’ve finally gotten approval you’ll still be faced with, low revenue issue, for long term adsense publishers with large websites they have no such problem with this, but average seemly common publishers with small traffic won’t make much, infact if you’re paying for hosting and domain, then that’s the amount you may make. Because it’s based on cpc/ppc with the amount paid for each click, so it means you only get paid when someone performs an action. Meaning your blog’s revenue is now out of your hands, and into the hands of your visitors. Each visitor holds the key to your money.

3. Drives away visitors Adsense is perphaps very dangerous in this aspect, your visitors are going away as quickly as they are visiting. Just open your blog’s stats check the exit links and you’ll see how many people are leaving your blog. It’s amazing what you’ll find. Imagine working for visits, attracting visitors to your blog, gaining subscriber’s and watch them flocking away. It’s like trying to fill a basket with water.

4. You will be promoting your competitors People who visits your site may likely see blogs doing the same thing you’re doing exactly, they will follow the banners and go out, as a result you’ll be giving your competitors traffic 100s if not thousands at just 10-50cents! (depending on eCPM) for simplicity sake and removing the cheated feeling you may be having let’s call this “paid traffic”, however if you want honesty then you’re giving traffic for nothing, this is free traffic, 50cent can’t pay for hosting fees, it can’t be even enough to buy data for internet.

Granted Adsense can give you some money, wow it can even make you rich, but be careful so that you will not hastly jump into a frying pan.


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