How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

Here is how to easily rotate a video and also automatically save it, you can also chose right format and location you wish to save to.
This completely free you don’t have to pay any thing to do this. With this method you can rotate your videos to any angle you want, you can even flip it vertically.

Getting the right video format is easy, unlike VLC and Movie maker which are quiet complicated in terms of  saving and rendering to the right video format.

With this method you get to save in any of the following format; AVI, GIF, MP4 and MKV. (yes you can convert your favorite comedy scene or movie into a GIF)

Here are steps to do this,

1. Download  Video flip and rotate , once downloaded launch it.

2. Once opened drag or select the videos to upload.
How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

3. After uploading the video, you will get lots of options both on the right hand side and on the left, options like – Play, stop, next frame, previous frame, go to end, go to begin. This options or control are on the left hand side, this are used on the original uploaded video.

While the other options on the right hand side namely – Rotate left 90 degrees, rotate left 180 degrees, rotate right 90 degrees, flip vertically, flip horizontally, flip left to right, flip right to left etc, this options are used for the video we want to output.

How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

4. Once you are through with rotating your video to the desired angle click save, it will take you to another place where you have to select the sub video format like this

How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

Click continue then select the sub format, you can leave it at the default format if you are not sure

How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

5. You are almost through select continue.

How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows

7. And you are done 
How To Rotate A Video And Save It On Windows


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