List Of Fastest Internet Providers In The US The Top 6

List Of Fastest Internet Providers In The US

Imagine you’re running as fast as you can, after some time you stop and turn around only to see that you’re still at the same spot. So what have you being doing then, you ask yourself. Well it turned out that you’ve been running but the Earth or the landscape refused to run with you.

This is exactly what can happen if you choose a wrong provider for your internet services in the US, a wrong choice involves a lot of factors, but in this case speed. You need the fastest provider you can find, on the other hand a good choice also involves a lot of factors, in this case speed. Yes speed is important, your internet needs the fastest internet provider you can find, there is nothing as frustrating as a slow internet, it’s simply running and the earth refuses to run with you.

1. Verizon FiOS

Verizon is certainly one the best known brand in Information technology. In terms of their internet well it speed is something else. There is just no beating Verizon FiOS when comes to how fast you want your Net. With 300 Mbps on their best plan, twice the speed as the next fastest company. Their plans also are fantastic, it’s better than all the others when it comes to upload rates, at 65 Mbps. Verizon has other plans that is slower starting from 15 Mbps up to 150 Mbps. Good things don’t come cheap, you’ve to be ready to pay a little extra if you want Verizon FiOS. They do, however, provide some bundle deals on phone and TV service which could help you cut the cost, you also get a free modem. Verizon FiOS promises speed, so if getting the fastest speeds available is your main objective and price is no object, then try Verizon FiOS.

2. Cox Communications 

Cox have is one of the best Internet provider in the US when it comes to high speed Internet, as such they deserve to be in this list. They different types of plans with speeds reaching 150 Mbps. Cox Communications has a fast download rates, they are the only Internet service provider in the US, aside from Verizon FiOS, to offer download rates that are this fast. The have some decent upload speeds when it comes to their  plans including some amazing introductory prices for duration of 3 or 6 months, depending on the plan you choose. There also other slower yet fast packages offered by Cox Communications, such as 1, 5, 25, or 50 Mbps, making them an excellent match if you’re on a budget or if you are just looking to get great high speed Internet.

3. Comcast XFINITY

XFINITY is one of the best fastest Internet providers with speeds above 100 Mbps, and third on the list. Their highest plan comes with a 105 Mbps download rate and 20 Mbps upload rate. This should be more than enough for most families, even if there are many devices connected to the Internet at once. When it come to prices there prices are quite reasonable, and they offer some good introductory rates for the first 6 months. You also get the option to bundle your Internet service with Comcast’s TV and phone service, or you can leave that and purchase Internet as a stand-alone service. Equipment lease fees can be considered expensive but high speed at reasonably prices can even it out. In this case you’ll be spending on quality.

4. Mediacom 

Speed is 105 Mbps on their best cable Internet package. Although this speed is slightly more than Xfinix offers, but upload speeds with Mediacom are a little slower than what you find with the other companies above on this list. If you do more downloading than uploading then how fast the upload is shouldn’t have a drastic impact on your overall Internet experience. When it comes to  pricing, Mediacom prices are quite reasonable especially if you’re in a budget considering the speed involved. Mediacom also has other good value added services, you have the option of bundling your TV, phone, and Internet services together as they offer several different bundle deals. Fast internet speeds combined with prices that leaves you satisfied and yet doesn’t leave a hole in your pocket, no wonder Mediacom continues to grow.

5. Time Warner Cable

This company  offers a very fast Internet, faster than all others on this list except Verizon with download speeds of up to 300 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 20Mb. If speed is your problem then try Time Warner. However, the downside of it which explains why it’s probably 5th on this list is, these speeds are not yet available in all areas.

6. RCN 

RCN’s combines fast download and upload speeds, this makes them a great choice for households where there are many people who are using the Internet at the same time. Their speeds makes sure that you watch videos on Youtube and other favorite video website, and upload photos and videos without having to wait a long time for them to load. If you know that you’ll be  having several devices connected to the Internet, and don’t want to sacrifice performance, choose RCN. The downside of it is they only service a few major cities across the country, including Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia.


  1. Anonymous

    LOL. What metric did you use? I think you forgot about municipal broadband services in cities like Chatanooga, TN and Longmont, CO.

  2. Metric? Who needs Metrics when you have the greatest yardstick real experinces of users.

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