Major Common Android Software Problems How To Fix It

An Android phone that is problem free is a device that is desired. Though they are easy to use but sometimes problems may arise some minor others hard. Let’s look at top software problems an Android has and its solutions.

1. Android Phone that is hanging or frozen

If your device is hanging that is being static, not doing anything else except what you’re working on. Try soft reseting it, or use Fast Reboot app which wil stimulate the process as device varies.

2. Stop Android using data when abroad

How do I stop my Android device from using dat when am abroad you might ask. APNdroid is a third party app that can do the job. It turns off all data connections and much quicker than the the standard Android setting.

3. Device Wi-Fi does not stay connected

Most Android smartphones have this problems, their connection can’t seem to stay alive. Just go to Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi Settings and press the menu key. Choose ‘Advanced’ and change the sleep policy to ‘Never’.

4. SD memory card is no longer recognized

Memory card tend to have this problems, if that happens to you, you can fix it by removing the card and using your desktop or pc to format it. It works more here than on phone.

5. Some of my games are slow

Some phones especially budget ones include slower processors as the result the graphics used are reduced hence such apps like games becoming slow.

6. Cracked screens what to do

Because of how Android device are built, it screens crack more often as a result falling on the ground. If that happens buy a replacement screen which you can install yourself.

7. Can I speed up my Android device

Yest it’s possible apps like SetCPU can do the trick, but be careful most Android device have a set minimum of speed the run on, if you push it too it may fry.

8. How to stop virus attack on phones

Viruses are the biggest threat smartphone users face. To stop this installing a good anti-virus and scanning your device regulary will help.

9. How to block unwanted calls

Most network carriers allow this function, to block calls you don’t want to receive. Another way is to use extreme call blocker app although you have to pay.

10. How to close an app that freezes and hangs

You have to force it to close. Just go to Settings > Applications and choose ‘Manage applications’. Now choose the app that is misbehaving from the list and tap ‘Force stop’. If the app continues to misbehave you should try uninstalling and reinstalling it.

11. I can’t connect my phone to my PC using a USB

If you can’t connect your smartphone to your computer, ensure both the usb cable and its ports are in order if it is then check the drivers oline. You can use google to find your device drivers.

12. How to solve memory lose of full memory

In some cases when trying to play games or open any other application you may run into the warning that says memory low and expects you to free memory. Is either your device memory is full or you need to close some application. You can install cache cleaner app from the store to take care of it. Or you could delete some applications you don’t use and closing most ones that not in use.

13. Switching between passwords as this takes longer

Go to Settings > Security > Set up screen lock, then change it to pattern rather than passwords. This is much more secure.

14. My Android earpiece is faulty

If you can’t hear what callers are saying while they can hear yours, then it’s difinitly your earpiece. In that case try soft reset, hard reset and reboot in that order until one works.


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