How to Watch Videos on Your Xbox and Play Station 3 Using Android

Android smartphones can now do amazing things, I remember I’d mention that in one article that they can be used to even wash cloths amazing! , now if you’re a heavy gamer and you own an Android smartphone with Xbox and PS3 you can now connect your Android device with any of them and use it to streem videos, images and musics.

Knowing that you could do it is one thing but how to actually do it is another, there are two face in one coin, you’ve learnt the first face let’s move over to the second. Ok let work hand in hand, this tutorial aims to take your hands and walk you through the process, at the end of this article I believe you’ll then be able to share all files with your gaming console. Only what I require from you is read and understand if you do know problem at the end you’ll be satisfied, where does that leave me? Ok just do me a favour by helping spread this tutorial share it via the share buttons below, don’t be sellfish let your friends find this that way you’d be doing me lots of favour.

In other to do this you need to ugrade your knowledge about DLNA or at least know a bit about it if you haven’t. DLNA is a way of sharing files over singular Wi-Fi network which is standard. Android phones are only a small portion of a DLNA-enabled device, and as well as MP3 players and digital cameras having DLNA technology within them, both the Xbox 360 and PS3 also have it, which means they can connect.

This means you can now share your media files from your Android to your game console, in a broader sense it means you could watch that video on a big screen with good and better screen resolution unlike your phone’s screen.

There are various ways to do that amongst them is to use an app from the play store named skifta app, which is free and makes streaming very easy. It works by connecting to your Wi-Fi network and establishing a solid connection which you can then use as a conduit to transfer your files real time to your Xbox and PS3 devices.

That is, found this helpful? Please help share this through the share button below, subscribe if you’ll like to get any android tutorial right on your inbox. One more thing have a good new year! And keep visiting Internet helper.


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