Make Money Writing For Bubblews Complete Review

Imagine staying at home doing nothing except for some few hours spent on the internet, and that few hours is what you take to earn money. Easy right? Have you heared of Bubblews yet? If you have, have you registered ? if you haven’t well then read on , if you have still read on as you’d get new information from here. First let’s see what this new goldmine is all about.

Bubblews an overview

What is Bubblews

Bubblews is a website created and designed mainly for revenue generation thus it is one of the many revenue sharing sites on the internet. Here they share revenue with their users based on their post or articles which are filed under many headings. The site has been online for long when compared with this blog, though when compared to other major revenue sharing sites like Hubpages and co it’s still new. But despite it being new it now has many users who are creating articles daily.

How it works

At this site, to make money you’re only required to write articles for them, your articles will then carry ads then any amount your written works make will be shared with you, before then you have to register with them supplying your email address, password and other long in details, or you could simply sign up with social networks that’s intergrated with the site. Bubblews is unique when compared with either Hubpages, Squiddo, Infobarrel or any other major revenue sharing site. There are many features which stand-out in this revenue site some of them include
* At Bubblews you’ll make money on almost any action a reader takes; commenting, views, like, social shares (facebook, twitter etc)
* Write articles that has 400 characters minimum not words, so that means you can make money even when you can’t right well if you can update your facebook status you can write at Bubblews.
* Earning is easy once you abide by their TOS which are easy to do. Payment are made once you meet 25 dollers usually their minimum amount that is withdrawable.

For me this three main points are what makes Bubblews stand out from others as there is no other article writing revenue sharing site that has those features.

Benefits of writing for Bubblews

Apart from the kick you’d get when you start enjoying your money, you’d be very happy as you’re finally doing something worthwhile, (truth is many people have been scammed) and your’re paid too. With this site you don’t require capital, the only thing they need are your posts only, when it comes to earnings it’s usually easy to meet their criteria and your earnings are sent to you either through check or Paypal.

Disadvantages of Bubblews

Since this is a review, as such it contains both the site’s disadvantages and its advantages. For all the flair that are associated with Bubblews yet the earnings you could make are small compared with other major sites. Again you can’t do your writing skills any good writing for Bubblews as they are not demanding.


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