Top Places To Trace Your Family Tree For Free Online

Top Places To Trace Your Family Tree For Free Online

The family is important, not just because of the support but in all areas of life, advice, support, company etc. We all have families you might not know your ancestors but you know your immediate family, at least the ones close to you.

But some of us who are curious may like to know our ancestors, the late great-grandfather, and mother, even down to tracing our ethnicity, language and the continent our forefather came from.

“Yes we are from Texas but our forefathers look Asian so they might be from South Korea but we are not” 

that is what Mike said about his family. This is actually the major reason why people try as much as possible to trace their family.

They want to know their roots, where they come and who they are.

Some with money may decide to hire someone or perhaps an agency to do that for them.

But if you’re on a tight budget you can use the free option. There are websites that you can look up your family tree for free, these websites keep millions if not billions of records of people around the Earth.

1. Family search: This website is quite popular as they are one of the pioneers of keeping family records online, and it is free.

The website has the largest database of names both living and dead, the names have some details filled in, it could the year of birth, country, ethnicity, country of migration and some pictures on most cases.

Membership is free, as the site is maintained by the Church of latter day saints under contributions by people who are moved to do so.

You can also create your own family tree, for your future generations to see and add to, continuing where you stopped.

Genealogical Society of Utah, which was founded in 1894


– Image Capture

– Digital Conversation

– Preservation

– Online Access and

– Online indexing

You can check them out

2. Find my past:
If you need to find your past this is where you need to be, with Findmypast you should be able to trace your families records for many years, provided that your family has some documentation.

Find my past you will have access to a 7 day free trial with all features intact. Some of the top features of these websites are

– Has one-click search functions

– Ability to search based on Names, Age, City and other parameters like the alternate parameter were you’ll get a name can be searched using its meaning instead of the words.

It also can throw up suggestions based on similarities the name you entered.

– You can search based on any popular land Mark, such as schools, churches, government building or libraries, based on a particular country or region in the world.

You get to try all these features out for a limited number of days. Try them

3. The TheGenealogist:
The Genealogist helps the public trace their origin and find their family tree. Like the Find My Past above it makes use of its own search engine to search for records, these records are scanned looking for the imputed search parameters, that is the keywords you input into it the search fields.

You can easily find ancestors using the search options, search with first name, last name city state or country.
Or you can use the master search option that offers a quick search option where you only need the names of the person and year of an event of a major incident to conduct your search. From there you can compile and build your family.

This website is not entirely free, though you can use the basic search function, you can go back in time too if you upgrade.  You can check them out

That’s all, do you know any other website that offers this service for free? Please share with the world via the section.


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