7 Reasons Why The New Facebook Mobile Messenger App is Dangerous

No one will love to sell his or her soul to the devil not even giving it for free even if you think there is no Devil, if that’s your thought well think again a Devil is not necessary a super-human, an individual can be one, if you can’t and won’t do that, it then means you won’t tolerate harmful things. When I talk about harmful ‘things’ I mean things that can if given the chance harm you, either by totally stripping you of any privacy or exposing you to other negative things.

Unfortunately Facebook will soon (if they haven’t already) join the ranks of the Devil with their new Facebook mobile Messenger App. It’s a known fact that majority of us that uses Facebook use it on our smartphones way more than our computer, and if you’ve been sending messages, it will ask you if you want to install the Facebook Messenger app, that is after downloading it.

This has always been an option, but coming soon to FB mobile, it will no longer be optional, this will be mandatory if you want to send messages from your phone.

Perhaps there is nothing bad in this? Well think again, the badness is in the permissions you’ve to grant the app, let’s look at it in lay men terms.

New FB app permissions why evil?

You’ll have to grant Facebook many series of permissions like.

1. Change network connectivity
This simply means that Facebook can change or alter your connection to the Internet or cell service. You are just giving Facebook the ability to turn features on your phone on and off for its own reasons without telling you.

2. Record audio, also take pictures and videos, at any time
This means that the guys at Facebook can see through your lens on your phone whenever they want, they cannot only video you but they can also listen to what you’re saying via your microphone if they so desire!

3. Call phone numbers and send SMS messages
This permission means FB can send text messages to your contacts on your behalf. Did you get it? If you didn’t this is simple this is about giving a stranger your phone and telling him to do what he wants when he want!

4. Access your phone’s call log, including info about incoming and outgoing calls.
 Now Facebook will know who you’ve been calling, and how long you talk to them because you’ve downloaded the new Facebook messenger app.

5. Get a list of accounts known by the phone, or other apps you use
Facebook will now have a record of all the applications you use, how often you’re using them and what info you keep or exchange on those apps.

6. Access your contact data and email
This includs who you call and who you send emails, they also get to keep your email address for whatever purposes they want.

7. Can read personal profile information stored on your device
Your addresses, personal info, pictures or anything that’s near and dear to you especially to your personal life, they can read it like a book.

Spread the word by sharing this people need to know.


  1. Bright warning, but I really do love the facebook app. Are you saying we should stop using it?

  2. you should weigh it the benefits and its disadvantages whatever you got you go with it

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