Best Internet Phone Browsers

Facts has shown that the number of phone users far out numbers the number of computer users, and the greater number of those are hooked on the Internet with their phones. Whether is a smartphone or a feature phone seewhat makes a phone a phone you need a good browser if you intend browsing the Internet with it.

As a result of those stats many phone users now prefer using phones to surf the Internet than computers, but to do that they need super fast phone browsers that can compete with the likes of Google’s Chrome or Internet explorer. So I’ve come up with this best Internet phone browsers listed from top to last

Best Phone Browsers

David1. Ucweb

Ucweb is possible the best among phone browsers especially Java and Symbian users. Their browser app has many features that makes browsing the Internet fun. Chief among its features is the multi-tasking capability the app has, that is minimizing an opened tab and working on another one. Other features includes copy and paste, clipboard space, Udisk for storing your files etc. Download Ucweb browser here

Operamini phone surfer2. Operamini It used to be the first but now it has gone down, though it still has an advantage over its counterparts but in general it lacks some things.
Among its outstanding features includes, two-in one kind of app (newer version), multi-tasking and list of other usefull sites. download here

3. Nokia Phone browsers Though made by Nokia is still deserve a mention because after Ucweb and Operamini there isn’t a better browser than Nokia phone browser. Chief among its features is its clear, fast and simple nature of surfing the web. Is intergrated with Nokia phones there’s no need to download.

Perhaps you are expecting a long list, sorry there isn’t a long list when it comes to best phone browsers. This three are the best no doubt about it.


  1. chima, am not doubting, though untitled to opinion.when you said best browser for all mobile phone or particular mobile OS? if not, BOAT browser and skyfire is they,I prefer opera when it comes to data compress. thanks for your ideas.

  2. Anonymous

    had an great experience with this Phone and with fabulous features

  3. Not just a particuler OS general functions and best user exprience is taken into consideration and not to mention availability. Thanks for your comment

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