How To Read Someones WhatsApp Messages Without Them Knowing

Here is how to read your WhatsApp messages without the sender knowing. It is very easy, simple and highly effective. It may sound ridiculous, but don’t underestimate it.
WhatsApp has pointers that shows the different state of messages, this pointers are in form of marks, especially the two most used the clock shaped mark and the good long marks (thing of your elementary and high school days).
It goes this way when you send a message and it hasn’t reached the person you’re sending it to you get the clock mark sign, when it reaches the person but the person is not online it gets marked as sent, that is where you get the ‘one’ mark sign. If that person comes online or is online when you sent the message it gets marked double, that is it gets gray marked twice. The whether it is a clock sign or one and double ‘good’ mark they all have the same colour gray.
Read Someones WhatsApp Messages Without Them Knowing
When the person reads the message the double gray good mark turns green. At this point you know that your message have been read. And vice versa.
Because of the make up of Whats App it is often difficult to read message without the sender knowing, because what I explained above is kind of common knowledge. But with this method you can do that easily.
Note: At this time I have only tested it on android, iPhone users will have to tweak somethings to get it to work. Also this is temporary because eventually you’ll have to open WhatsApp to read the messages or it will continue pilling up, even if you off your smartphone and on it.
Here is what you’ll do. When a message comes do not open it, just leave it and read it through your notification area. I mean the area where you get notified, the one at the top of your Android phone.
If that place is clear of clutter, when a message comes it will roll through one by one until you read it all. In case you want to read other message, you’ll have to go Whatsapp app proper not the notification area. 
When there read the ones that matters and ignore that one you read through your notification.


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