Major Samsung Galaxy S3 Secret Codes and Functions

This is a list of major Samsung S3 smartphones that will help you fix your phones in case of malfunction, with this codes you really need a top tech to repair your S3 for you, you don’t even need to evoke your warranty rights as this major Samsung S3 codes will save you that headache of returning it and losing your files due to minor problems you could fix yourself.

Why S3 hidden codes?

GalaxyThis hidden or secret codes are not really that hidden nor are they secret, they are made available for everyone by the producers it’s just that many don’t know where and how to get it that is why it may seem hidden otherwise it’s not. It’s also was engineered there by their makers to help the end-users come out of the problems they may encounter while using the device. So it’s a win-wing situation you don’t disturb me much I don’t disturb you much everyone is happy. (You save them the headache of fixing it themselves and they save you the headache of wasting time returning it.>
This list is specifically written for Samsung Galaxy S3 however for other types of Galaxy smartphones and other more general codes see below
Read: 59 secret codes for Samsung Galaxy S2 II
* 51 hidden Galaxy codes
* Samsung faults repairing codes

S3 Secret codes List

Right away here are the major S3 do it yourself codes
1. Open your phone’s keypad then dial *#0*#
2. You’d get a screen with title LCD TEST and below that you have lots of option to test various hardware parts of your phone such as speaker, sensor, lcd, etc. To go back use right physical button while testing the touch you have to touch and mark all the squares back button does not work Otherwise use full secret codes for android phone tested on galaxy S3.
3. * #1234# to check software version of phone.
4. *#12580*369# to check software and hardware information.
5. *#0228# Battery status (ADC, RSSI reading)
6. *#32489# Service mode
7. *#7780# factory data reset galaxy S3
8. *2767*3855# Full factory reset (deletes files use with caution)


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