Warning! Badoo is Dangerous My Experience


I went to check my mails on Gmail as I often do one morning, when I saw one fancy message on my inbox, clicked on it and started reading. This message was really catchy as it has a clear picture of my Facebook friend on it, with a message inviting me to join Badoo, I thought what the heck what’s this? This message was structured in such a way that you must be curious to find out what is going on. And thus my journey with Badoo started.

Now before we delve further, you’ve to know a little bit about Badoo. What they say they are and what they really are.

What is Badoo

What they say they are

Badoo is an online social networking website, that connects people around the world, where members can make friends, chat with them, send them Badoo messages and friend request etc. This website is built and equipped to perform all networking actions, much similar to Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and the rest. But it it what they say they are?

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What Badoo really is

Badoo is an online dating website where users meet chat and hook up, if you want to date with strangers then Badoo is for you, although I can’t gurantee the character of those there, so you’d better be careful and o! Beware of cash exhortion.

Upon opening their website, which has a .co.uk domain you’ll be redirected to their .com domain at they’ve already lied to you at this point, then comes the time will you’ll discover that this website is 100% dating website. I don’t know how they do it, but they’ll detect your gender and serve pictures of cute people that’s designed get you hooked up, if you’re a male you’re bound to see lots of beautiful photos of ladies.

Now when they’ve gotten your attention you’ll be asked to register with either your email or your Facebook. This is where my woes started, I made a huge mistake by registering with Facebook and granted them authorization to all except my password and posting on behalf of me.

What they did next was unexpected, just few days after I joined my friends even those on my Gmail contact list (collection of lots of people i.e elderly, young, minors etc) started sending me emails, asking me why I invited them to join a dating website, at first I was suprised, I mean I didn’t send any invitations nor did I tell Badoo to Auto-send it, by the how the heck did they come up with my email contact? Could it be that they are involved in phishing and harvesting my contacts to send spam mails.

I decided to Google their activities, what people are saying about them especially on major popular forums on net, (don’t underestimate the power of Googling, Yahooing and Binging, search for things you don’t understand).

What people are saying about Badoo

I found out that many complaners are all having the same problems, invitations sent without authorization and Email contact harvesting, some even said they where told to type their credit card information in order to either remove their pictures or change important settings of their account. Many even reported that they lost their money right on that website.

Conclusion Although I haven’t gone into it to be in real danger, I’ve started seeing signs that Badoo is not what they say they are, they may be involved in deceit, exhortion, phishing, email harvesting etc but one thing is certain they are 100% dating website.

HOT!Badoo is dangerous my experience

If you’re going to joing you’d best be careful consider using false information to register first.

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  1. yea, i know first hand. When you link your Facebook it uses your Facebook friends in meet me – i have seen my married friends there without there consent – i guess other people have done this to and I'm seeing there friends all without them joining- Scam site just like zoosk. I'm deleting my account

  2. Tony well said, true I don't recommend Badoo if you value your friends,

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